Did I mention that Aaron Broussard would monkey with property tax bills? Part 2 of a 5 part series.

I do believe I strongly alluded to that fact once or twice with all those zero property tax assessments we keep finding in the Jefferson Tax Assessor online database. There were evidently benefits to the corrupt bribery scheme Broussard had going with Bill Mack beyond the value of the public contracts Broussard steered to Mack’s company First Communications. Click the pic to get the 2 page pdf:

First Communications Property Tax

Because Steven Palazzo is such a pandering, selfish fool…….

What a petty, little man. It is pitiful what we have as our representative.

He voted against the fiscal cliff bill. And what did that vote mean? It meant to raise taxes on 100 percent of Americans, every one of them!!! And he ran on job creation for a second time, and no taxes. He sided with a radical wing for political reasons, and said the 98 percent of the working middle class can go straight to hell.

This child is too immature to hold such an office. He has no idea what he is doing, he is just taking his marching orders from a political/lobbyist group, but NOT from the people in his district.

Palazzo votes no on $9.7 billion Sandy relief measure ~ Anita Lee

How ironic since his family has been fleecing the local taxpayers for decades that this fool we have for a Congressman would deprive people that paid their flood insurance premiums their insurance settlements. To the extent dear ol’ papa Palazzo is one of Bill Walker’s friends and family Palazzo’s vote is particularly disgusting.

Man ‘o man how the people of south Mississippi shot themselves in the foot electing this clown back in November 2010.