I previously put out the word out privately…..

But I want to make sure everyone gets the message that if your name has been mentioned on Slabbed I’d especially love to hear from you. Unlike some of my collegues I can bash and look you in the eye after. 😉

That fact of the matter is there have been people that were associated with Aaron Broussard that have reached out and it has profoundly impacted my coverage of the Jefferson Parish scandal as we search for the truth, no matter where it may lead. Along those lines I’ve been drilling down on those overseas investments Aaron Broussard peddled and the names I am seeing in the documents are very interesting indeed and this does not count other people like certain lawyers that were formerly closely connected with the Goatherder Nation.

As far as I know there are only two ways to impact Slabbed’s coverage. One way is via commenting on the posts but that way is not sure fire. The other is to make use of my handy contact page. Heck I even get complimentary copies of the NOLevee delivered postage due to my PO Box so don’t be shy since I’m not.* 😉


*Offer available only to those not currently in litigation with Slabbed New Media.

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