Jefferson Parish open thread: We have lots to discuss.

A few examples of items needing a full fleshing out is the District D 24th JDC race involving Julie Quinn as she has an opponent. I’ll note Slabbed swam against the media current well over a year ago in maintaining Quinn had her sights set on the 24th JDC, not the State 5th Circuit Court of Appeals as was reported elsewhere.  Quinn is being endorsed by all the usual suspects including Sheriff Noodles and the MIA DA Paul Connick.  Unfortunately for Ms. Quinn, she is not Slabbed approved and depending on the quality of her opposition, Slabbed may well have lots to say about this particular race.

Not mentioned in the preceding paragraph is Ms Quinn’s fiance, Parish Prez John Young.  By all accounts John is crazy about Julie and we’re completely down with the marital bliss thing here at Slabbed New Media. That said there are political observers in Jefferson Parish that are concerned we are seeing a repeat of South Park Season 3, Episode 3. If this is indeed the case I know of only one way to rectify the issue and even then such is a dicey proposition as there could well be collateral casualties. Lest I digress but back to Mr Parish Prez….

This whole charter change deal has caused open warfare between Parish Prez Young and the Parish Council. Now close your eyes and imagine what the local TeeVee media reaction would be if Diana Bajoie called Stacey Head a “hypocrite” or if Head said Mayor Half Moon’s ego has gotten too large. People would have died from being run over by every TeeVee truck in town headed for City Hall to cover the conflict. After reading Drew Broach’s account of the controversy what we got instead was one big yawn from the video set. Councilman LaGasse must not be photogenic enough for the camera is all I can figure. If I missed where the local TeeVee news covered this please feel free to correct me in comments.

Finally I’d like to give a shout out to all the nice peeps at the Yenni Building, where Slabbed New Media now has a field office.  I’ve yet to have to press a button in the elevator as the dedicated civil servants that work there have been very cordial, representing the Parish to the public in an exemplary fashion as the bad ol’ days of the Goatherder reign of terror are well in the rearview mirror. Getting my name on a permanent parking spot is proving to be a tad difficult but John, Chris and the gang up on 10 have a pretty full plate these days so I’m not pressing the issue very hard.  My work at the hive reminds me of the olden days when I worked down on Jefferson Highway just south of Elmwood.

In any event we need to roll out some new documents and this time the topic will be Redflex. Stay tuned.


16 thoughts on “Jefferson Parish open thread: We have lots to discuss.”

  1. ” she is not Slabbed approved” Depends on the level, of intoxication. You know what they say about “used pussy”- It aint so bad once you get past the used part.

  2. I maintain that John Young should skip the entire charter change waste of time and just nominate himself for knighthood…or perhaps kingship…or rather forego all that and contact the Vatican in hopes of becoming the next Pope John. JY is one sorry piece of narcissistic excrement.

  3. Less critical media coverage of the Council proceedings, BUT

    When some parts of Metairie severely flooded due to 2.5” of rain in one hour in some areas WWL-TV responded within the hour with a telephone call from a citizen and/or Chris Roberts claiming that a few pumps were not operating.

    Was’nt too many minutes later that John Young called in via cell to say all pumps were in operation but it was just the volume which exceeded the standard 1′ the first hour and 1/2′ thereafter limits of the pumps.

    John actually made an on scene personal interview around some businesses whose elevation is the same as the road intersection of Focis and Metairie Road.

    Sounded like a cheap shot by Roberts but I’m sure there are citizens interested in the state of condition of the drains in the areas of the Parish which tend to flood very easily. This is tropical/ hurricane season so I would expect Young is going to confirm that the Drainage Dept. cleans out the drains in the low lying areas just before said season, or do they John ?

    So Slabbers get your highest boots out cause the political crap is only going to get deeper with time and if I were Young I’d be watching my tongue and closely over the conduct of my Administration as there appears to be some major low lying areas subject to political backlash.


    1. Julie Quinn…..the second coming of Martha Sassone (who, by the way, now offices as a private lawyer at Connick & Connick on Metairie Road). The rumor used to be that Paul Connick liked to “practice” with ole Martha back in the day. Excuse me for a minute BRB……had to go hurl at the thought of that. Ewww.

      1. Ouch !!! … How many times am expected to to take it up my ASS Pauli ? … what are you talking about ? I don ‘t care about Noodle rheeming Villio … I want to be a Judge again … GOT IT NOW !!

  4. If Quinn and Young acutally do get married, then we truly will have a Lord and Lady Douchebag of our own…..Remember, there has never been a council without a douchebag, and there never will……

  5. Julie Unangst (yes her dad is Bruce Unangst – the St. Tammany Parish Prez who went to the pokey for corruption) – the nut never falls far from the tree. Definitely has the voodoo poonanny.

  6. So you want to be a transparent dictator ? The only Charter change that jefferson needs is to vote your totalitarianistic butt out.

  7. Here’s are the latest theoretical political equations for political pundits in Jefferson to think about and establish proof of such equation >>> CAA+ PB+Per B = Ex Per E
    CAA Jacques Moliason + Peggy Barton- Director of Human Resources + Personnel Board = Execution of Personnel Enemies, then
    JQ + CAA + Chief 24th =IJJ
    Julie Quinn + CAA Jacques Moliason + Jacques’ brother( Chief Judge of 24th) = Instant Judge Julie, then sadly >>>>> CAA + P 24th E+ JJ = CAA/F
    CAA Jacques Moliason+ Post 24th Election + Judge Julie = CAA Jacques Moliason/Fired

  8. With this inbred cronyism so out of control, its amazing that 3 judges just walked onto the bench with no opposition – It’s gotten the point where Jeff residents have just about lost their right to complain. Apathetic sheeple – anywhere else, Unangst-Quinn being endorsed by Young, Connick, Lagasse and Norman would be an insurmountable anchor around the neck.

    1. Atticus..”apathetic sheeple”…SPOT ON as to defining the Jefferson Parish voters..moreover, accurately describes the state of Louisiana voter sheeple…

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