39 thoughts on “Bad News Friday: Team Letten steps aside in River Birch Prosecution”

  1. Also signals the beginning of the end of the Letten era. Expect a full house cleaning of US attorney’s office in New Orleans including those who undermined office.

      1. SOP, take a look at this report from the DOJ PIN website, could be the recusal was to happen regardless as a normal sign of a broader investigation and bad news for other elected JP officials ?


        The Public Integrity Section (PIN) oversees the federal effort to combat corruption through the prosecution of elected and appointed public officials at all levels of government. The Section has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of criminal misconduct on the part of federal judges and also supervises the nationwide investigation and prosecution of election crimes. Section attorneys prosecute selected cases against federal, state, and local officials, and are available as a source of advice and expertise to other prosecutors and investigators.

  2. And what strikes me as EXTREMELY “odd” is the fact that the “piss ant” Gregory Kennedy from Letten’s office, who prosecuted ME, will be allowed to remain on the case with the U.S. Department of “Injustice” PUBIC Integrity Bureau (SPIT!). Just what the hell is a “conflict of interests” if one of the key players who caused the conflict, ie. Kennedy, who worked with Perricone and Jim Mann on the River Birch/Heebe case is allowed to remain on the case? This is BULLSHIT. Ashton O’Dwyer.

      1. They can’t help themselves. You make more sense in one comment than they make in 100 whiny-ass, self-pitying, bitch comments.

  3. Think there were moles in the office and the mole wasn’t perricone or Mann but others who have totally compromised entire operations. Support staff may be targeted by DC. There are rumors of serious breaches and that Team Heebe may have paid for inside info.

  4. This is excellent news poke a tiger in the eye and see if he gets mad , Edwards did it see where he went . Obviously the US. DOJ has realized the wide spread magnitude of this case and is going for broke now with the big guns from Washington. It’s with out a dobt this case has there attention if they are moving to eliminating anymore surprises in the wood pile leading to Letten’s door that he is unable to control from Heebe’s cast of paid crew. Has anyone considered that Perricone may also be speaking up on the this very issue ?

  5. Re: “Something I ‘missed’.” In addition to the Prrick” Kennedy from the office of “Lettenemgo”, the local Federal Bureau of Constipation and the Internal Revenus Dis-Service will also remain on the case. A very peculiar sense of “conflict of interests” had by the Federal Government, born no doubt by habitual abuse of power and the belief that no one will ever “CALL” them on their abuse, and that they can do whatever the FUCK they want. SHIT, PISS and CORRUPTION on ALL of them, and SPIT!, too. Ashton O’Dwyer,

    1. I’m sorry … but that picture is evidence that mini-me Roberts has again illegally spent money from his campaign fund to buy yet another addition to his ‘Parade on Wheels’ …

      Seriously, now that Letten and other members of his staff will be exposed as being members of mini-me’s Krazed Karnival Krewe, hopefully the DoJ will take down this KKK prince of darkness ASAP …

      And for you new guys at the FBI and US Attorney’s Office, mini- me is easy to find … he’ll either be on the toilet at hs house at 5 AM or at the Beef Connection the rest of the day.

  6. Because of innumerable people whose State Court TORT lawsuits were “removed” to Federal Court despite there was never Federal subject matter nor Diversity jurisdiction –and sometimes those “removals” were untimely and often no notice to plaintiffs (with help of Court Clerk Dale Atkins who ignored that removal statements looked nothing like requirements of 28 USC

  7. Because of innumerable people whose State Court TORT lawsuits were “removed” to Federal Court despite there was never Federal subject matter nor Diversity jurisdiction –and sometimes those “removals” were untimely (with help of Court Clerk Dale Atkins who ignored that removal statements looked nothing like requirements of 28 USC

  8. Since my the comment that I submitted at 3:42 p.m. has not been posted –and it does not say as accurately what I meant, would Slabbed please ignore the 3;43 submission and post this one if it meets Slabbed’s approval. Thank you.

  9. To Tom: With reference to your Comment today, the 21st, at 5:12 P.M., we DON’T KNOW precisely why Letten and his office are (allegedly) recused. I pointed out some “red flags” which are incompatible with REAL recusal, namely the “piss ant” Kennedy’s continued involvement, and the continued involvement of the local Federal Bureau of Constipation and Internal Revenue “Dis-Service”. And let me make another observation as a result of almost 7 years of trying to enlist the Government’s “help”, and fighting with the Federal (SPIT!) Government (SPIT!): Never underestimate their INCOMPETENCE; Never underestimate their EVIL. These motherfuckers WILL BURN IN HELL. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Ashton ,
      Can’t fault you on that, like to know more of your case see how it may stack up to the Bonnabel heirs land ownership case ? Do you know a Bill N. lives in Metairie on West Esplanade Ave.? Was taking to me years ago about a person trying to develop some batcher land and having problems with the parish?

  10. To Tom: I forgot something important.(I just came back from the polls, and casting my ballot for CWL – we gotta move this city forward, ya know – but the worst part was walking home – Jefferson Avenue and St. Charles Ave., in the DARK – without getting held up at gunpoint – the State Police [those COCKSUCKERS] revoked my concealed handgun permit – so I was “discombobulated” when I made my last Comment). The Lame Stream Media accounts (ie. Gordon Russell’s article of April 20th) suggest that Letten’s “recusal” (they don’t even know the meaning of the word) was due to some sort of “conflict of interests” having to do with Perricone. To which I reply: THIS IS BULLSHIT. You want to talk about recusal? Then don’t allow “piss ant” Kennedy (and God knows who else) to remain on the case. And don’t allow the local Federal Bureau of Constipation, and the IRS, to remain on the case. I previously said that “something Machiavellian” is going on here. It has not yet been revealed, and I’m not smart enough to have it figured out. But I know a LIAR when I see one, and Lettenemgo is a damnable LIAR. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  11. “Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that in the process they do not themselves become monsters.”

  12. the new fbi saic looks like bad news as well. background in government corruption. worked on wrinkled robe.

  13. Pardon me for being obtuse, Jr., but are you saying we can expect the “Same old; same old” from the new Special Agent in Charge, Anderson, that we got (or didn’t get) from Welker (who likes Courthouse steps news conferences, and taking credit for the work of others, as much as Lettenemgo). Let’s see, Anderson is getting a promotion for “towing the line” and not making any waves that Federal Bureau of Constipation “Headquarters” didn’t want made. That included only 44 months for Bodenheimer, who should have been hung from a yardarm, no criminal prosecution of Porteous whose many crimes were well- known to the Federal Bureau of Constipation before Wrinkled Robe even started, and no criminal prosecution of the lawyers who were involved in criminal activity with Porteous (and I’m not talking about Amato and Creely, who have suffered enough). I’m sure I could think of a few more things that would fill a legal pad. But it sure looks like “Mike Anderson” (wasn’t that the name of a famous brothel owner in Storyville?) is “J Edgar Hoover, NOT”. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Ashton , obviously people are thinking ahead and eliminating more of the deadwood leading to Letten’s office. Bet they went on Broussards skying trips too !

      Jones Walker
      Business & Commercial Litigation Practice Group partner, Judith V. Windhorst, was recently elected to serve as Representative-at-Large for the Jefferson Bar Association

  14. To TOM: Thank you. I wasn’t aware of Ms. Windhorst’s recently-elected position or of Grady Hurley’s recent appointment to the Board of EJGH. Don’t know what to make of that, except that politicians are doing what may be necessary to solidify their positions and keep themselves in power. I was aware of Magner’s move from the U.S. Attorney’s office to an “Of Counsel” position with Jones Walker. At the time I learned of this, the Perricone scandal hadn’t broken, and other rumors about Letten and his office were unspoken. But at the time, my thoughts were: (1) Someone with Magner’s resume had to have done something seriously wrong to have been forced out of the office; (2) The Michael Magners of the world don’t just walk away from a “job for life” and Federal pension benefits, particularly someone whose wife also is a Federal employee (Bankruptcy Judge); (3) Going to an “Of Counsel” position with a large lawfirm can be dangerous, because it is a position in which “You eat what you kill”. Magner has got to start producing revenue to justify his salary, overhead (including the cost of his Secretary), and benefits, or he will take a CUT, or be OUT. Being an “Of Counsel” is a VERY precarious position; (4) This is the same DEGENERATE BASTARD who I saw at Camp Amtrak stealing glances at me, to see how badly I had been hurt (on his orders, and with his knowledge, of course). Shortly after my seeing Magner looking at me, a Medical Team was sent to my dogcage, but I told then to: “GO FUCK YOURSELVES!” as an act of defiance. (5) Magner also injected himself in my criminal case, which hung over my head for almost 2 years before I was successful in having the charge of having made a threat dismissed, with prejudice. So while I may confess to being impressed with Magner’s resume and credentials, I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR HIM AS A MAN. Maybe you, Tom, or others, can tell me where all of this may be going, because I simply don’t know. There have been a number of potentially illuminating Comments on nola.com, addressing Letten’s recusal, and addressing (today) the “retirement” of the Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Constipation, Welker. None of these Comments (and we don’t know who the authors are or whether the Comments are true) have made it to SLABBED, either as a POST or as Comments. It sure is “fun” speculating, though. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Come on Ashston ,
      The one time I thought I could count on you to bring the most colorful of commentary you let me down. I posted that because I agree with you there is no way that with the politico connections leading into Letten’s office could the public ever have been assured that the prosecution would go far enough without being perverted by the “Good Ole Boy” system and still stands a good chance of that happening even with the recusal.

    2. Holy Crap Ashton ,
      I’m a “Johnny Come Lately” or have lived in a freaking cave since 2005, I just finished reviewing your story on Slabbed.org and other news articles about you. You have every right to sound like George Carlin in your rhetorical addresses and much more. I am absolutely fucking stunned !!

  15. Tom: To get back to “the Good Ole Boy System”, I agree that it will pervert “justice” about 98% of the time. I have tried to say that in Comments to this POST over the past few days, witnessed by Gregory Kennedy’s remaining on the case (Fazzio, Mouton, River Birch, Heebe, et al), and by the local offices of the FBI and IRS remaining on the case. the so-called “RECUSAL” is BULLSHIT which is being fed by Letten and his “handlers” to the Public, who they believe to be STUPID. I don’t know where all of this is going. I’m not smart enough. And I continue to believe that there is definitely Machiavellian about the Perricone issues, the “leaking” of the scandal, whether others within the office also did what Perricone is accused to have done, and who within the office (and outside the office) knew about it. People who are commenting on nola.com, who I do not know, are predicting that Heebe will “walk”, that Broussard and Wilkinson will “walk”, and that the convictions in Danziger, Glover and Robair will all be reversed. I haven’t been able to connect the dots, yet, but I believe Letten and a fairly large number of people in his office with whom I have come in contact ARE FUCKING DIRTY. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Ashston
      If Perricone worked for Heebe he did us all a favor with his diatribes of vexation.I am more convinced that the recusal was coming particularly after the sky trip announcement on the heels of the Michael Magner move to Jones Walker particularly since the parish president appointments shows a cozy relationship. The heat in the deadwood pile was getting too hot remember the presidential election is only seven months away this could be too much bad press at the right time. The real question is why would a long time decorated prosecutor supposed friend of Letten leave the DOJ at a time when a major public corruption case is unfolding to bring his expertise and inside information to the open market? It’s like eating your own young (pun intended), I would say that’s “Holy Moley Lettenemgo” !!

  16. There is a dude named Christenson who has been commenting on NOLA who claims he was involved in a business deal gone bad( 4 million) with a Louis Madere and Madere was let off the hook judicially and criminally and then Madere was elected as the jury foreman on the Danzinger trial.

    He also claims he was jailed for 11 days for cyberstalking an investigator and drugged by the local DOJ office. While he was jailed he claims a DVD, that would blow the prosecution of the Danziger case out of the water, was stolen via an executed search warrant on his premises.

    Is this guy for real? And what does he mean cyberstalking an investigator. I wish he would post here so we could ask him some probative questions.

  17. Yeah their all crooked. So much for subject matter. Uh, will I regret this? Barbara how is it you say that I’m supporting the very crooked judges who you have written of? Do you have a blog in where you write of these slim shit judges I’d really like to see such. I mean you no disrespect. If your so upset that someone has used your name (like your the only person named Barbara)sue the band OutKast. As well, how is it you connect my comment of returning to view comments of a post to you? What happened to the Olive branch? Why in the world would i support an enemy of mine like some crooked ass judges? The enemy of my enemy might be my friend.


  18. Personally, I hope Magner and Letten CRAP all over each other’s heads, and down each other’s throats, and that they then start pissing on… Well, you get my drift. But remember: the Lake Tahoe trips only involved one of Letten’s Staff Attorneys, an Assistant U.S. Attorney named Fred Harper. But one has to conclude that Harper’s going on one or more of those trips was BIZARRE, unless he was “planted” on the trips by the Federal Bureau of Constipation. We just don’t know, do we? As for Perricone, I have no idea who he might have been working for (other than the Federal Government), and what his motivation may have been. But my instincts tell me something ain’t “kosher”. And to return to my personal “wish list”: I hope Letten and Magner EAT SHIT simultaneously. Ashton O’Dwyer.


      What is happening in real time is an implosion of what Hubbard’s cunt finally had enough of … all of the lying hypocritical bullshit … the conservative businessman who if elected Parish President would run Government like a business …

      Well he kept his word … that POS lowlife Hubbard, with all the money he had, couldn’t buy the cunt a car straight out for cash … he was to arrogant and greedy … he extorts contractors to ante up instead …

      BOOM !!! … All hell breaks loose … Hubbard’s case miraculously get’s allotted to Zainey … Letten now believes he can keep the lid on the continuing cancerous corruption that as corroded Jefferson Parish’s

      1. And we can thank TIM COULON, who with CASSANGE sucking his dick, WHITMER licking his balls and WILKINSON tonguing his ass, fast forwarded from the Yenni jokes (father and son) to an altogether accelerated degradation in the politics of Jefferson Parish … this Westbank gaga not only defines hypocrisy but gave the meaning of corruption a new dimension …

        I’ll never forget that infamous e-mail thread between Whitmer and Coulon: Whitmer tells Coulon that their mutual friend, Hubbard, had his case allotted to Federal Judge Jay Zainey’s division. Whitmer knowing of Coulon and Zainey’s intimate relationship, asks Coulon what he thought about Zainey under the circumstances, in other words, what could this situation mean to Hubbard as far as consequences … Coulon then serves us up the answer and tells Whitmer: ‘Call me on a land line’ .

        Now that the FBI here has a new leader, maybe they can follow up on the Orange Beach condo scams (also included Broussard) that Coulon, his wife and others had going to attract campaign contributor contractors … sounds like that Nova Scotia deal Broussard promoted too …

        And now besides Butch Ward and his brood preying upon Gulfport, we have Coulon along with the omnipotent Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso, Henry Shane, partnering up in some real estate scheme in Biloxi !!!

        It never ends with these people … they just keep throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks … investigation or no investigation

  19. More food for thought see if you can connect the dots:

    December 10, 2010
    Jefferson Parish President John F. Young, Jr., announced today the appointments of three new members of his Administration.Heather M. Hilliard has been appointed as Chief Administrative Assistant for Jefferson Parish Public Safety Operations. Ms. Hilliard will oversee the Departments of Emergency Management, Community Justice Agency, Office of Juvenile Services, Eastbank Consolidated Fire Department,Environmental Affairs, and 911 Telecommunications. Ms. Hilliard is an international Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) and a certified Louisiana Emergency Manager (LEM) with over a decade of experience in operations management and is experienced in counterterrorism planning and tactics and disaster response.
    Having recently served as a statewide planner in emergency preparedness and as Program Monitor in Bioterrorism, Ms. Hilliard is currently Adjunct Professor of Tulane University

  20. BAD NEWS MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2012

    as per NOLA,www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2012/04/aaron_broussard_hires_new_atto.html

    Lil” Napoleon is so hard up for sympathetic Counsel he is calling in his I.O.U.’s. He appointed retired 24th JDC and now Justice of Peace of District 5,Honorable Charles Cusimano Jr., to a hearing officer judgeship shortly before Lil’ Napoleon was blown out of the water shortly before setting sail on his junketship for another annual Lake Tahoe adventure.

    Now the Honorable Hearing Judge Cusimano feeling sympathetic has called to action his young attorney son, Charles Cusimano III, to fire some cannon balls into the Letten Flagship to try and find some vengeful dirt on Captain Letten and help sail Napoleon to the Promise land.

    But attacking the Letten Flagship is like shooting a cork pop gun at the Queen Mary II, great advertising for the young,upstart brave Cusimano but he better keep one eye on his life preserver and the other on Lil’ Napoleon:

    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8sFsdNz6bg&w=420&h=315%5D

    1. Lockemup,
      It’s not like a pop gun , it’s like a lead balloon clanging through the jurist isles with the sound of desperation .

  21. Lauren Marino is rumored to be in the running for one of the open 24thJDC judgeships. I also heard that Julie Quinn was in line for Bob Murphy’s seat when he goes to the La. 5th, but Paul Connick got pissed when Young demurred on continuing to send tons of Parish work to Connick & Connick. Should make for an interesting race in Division D.

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