2 thoughts on “A well placed source has reported to Slabbed the New Orleans Hornets have a new owner – A Slabbed Scoop of the day”

  1. Just great … I wonder what new extortion racket he and his family and gang are scheming now so that the taxpayers of Louisiana can ante up for and subsidize this most recent benevolent act by this JP Thug … I’m sure he’s got the blessing of the Pope too … and maybe a new building that the State and City can rent space from … a new City Hall perhaps ?

  2. Gate’: With all the other thievery going on the Benson “Twist Your Arm” Boggie and sports subsidies at least give the citizens teams to hoot and holler for and Benson’s dancing to laugh about.

    Look at the JP Non-performing Arts Building – you can’t and don’t want to hoot, holler and laugh about that unless there’s an DOJ investigation and all involved go to jail.

    Second, anything to do away with “One Call That’s All”‘s minority interest and to remove his stupid asshole face and promotions from Hornet broadcasts.

    Third,lets give Benson the JPNPAB and let him finish it, have him refund the Parish the 30 million in cost overruns and let him squeeze sh*t out of contractor Caldarera when he scratches his ass and states he forgot about the cost of the auditorium seats. Then rename it the Benson Boggie Performing Arts Building.

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