2 thoughts on “An Easter Egg for the Slabbed Nation from ‘Gate.”

  1. To Whitmergate: I’ve always tried to live my life according to the “West Point Honor Code”, which is: “I don’t lie, cheat or stael, oe tolerate those who do.” Since 8/29/05, living by this Code has gotten me disbared, forced into bankruptcy, seen all of my litigation either dismissed with prejudice or put on indefinite administrative HOLD (se if you can find THIS anywhere else in the annals of American jurisprudence), arrested and put in solitary confinement for 34 days while “presumed innocent” and then forced to litigate with the U.S. Department of “Injustice” for almost two years before the fraudulent criminal charges were dismissed, BROKEN financially, and put on the verge (any day now) of being run out of my house. So before anyone commits the “revolutionary act” of telling the truth, ponder the consequences. The “Thought Police” got me, and those COCKSUCKERS continue to march. Ashton O’Dwyer (not dead yet).

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