They call him “Lil’ Piece” for a reason: A (non)Performing Arts Center follow the money update.

The construction community was a great help with our Beef Plant case coverage and I’m thinking this will also be true of the Performing Arts Boondoggle. More specifically though I’d like to throw an early hat tip to the M&M sisters for putting this on the radar screen of the Legislative Auditor and for sharing some of the results from their own exhaustive research.  I should have all the data points coherently gathered for publication early next week on topics such as the master of disaster turned Mini-Me council aid Deano Bonano.  There were several good reasons why John Young showed Deano the door last year, none of which evidently matter to Mini-Me Chris Roberts.  So we’ll also examine some of Team Young’s reasons for cutting the Bonano in-depth too. And to think Mini-Me was on the news last night wondering why people were leaving Jefferson Parish.  The boy simply isn’t that dumb folks. And he obviously doesn’t give a crap people are moving out so long as he can personally benefit from the cesspool that is causing the out-migration.

But first we must follow the money and the Legislative Auditor was kind enough to include a nice list of project expenditures for the last 9 years plus this boondoggle has been going. And of course I laughed when I saw Larry “Lil’ Piece” Sisung’s name listed on the project.  You gotta give Larry props because he understands the concept of dispersed costs and concentrated benefits better than most.  He just takes a little piece of every deal. And of course you’d easily suspect a politically connected law firm would be in the top 5 expenditures doing Tom Wilkinson’s diversionary busy work.  Click the pic to get the 1 page pdf. ~ sop

4 thoughts on “They call him “Lil’ Piece” for a reason: A (non)Performing Arts Center follow the money update.”

  1. Bonano was Chrissy, "The Special Man", campaign sign man for his last election so everyone knew who Mini-Me was going to appoint as his aid.

    Wiznia Architects has been made the scapegoat or the Lee Harvey Oswald who has been sued whereas J. Caldarera Consruction and Elton Lagassman should be the ones held responsible . civilly and criminally.

    But lets listen to Elton's explanation in his own words:


    Wonderful explanation Elton nice way of using your disability to escape quotable words.

  2. Elton ties again to get the explanation words out:


    Ok, Elton will will question you a little later about the $5.6 million dollar cost over run check you told Whitmer to issue to J. Caldarera Construction.

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