It is so true: Ashton meet Dick, Dick this is Ashton….

Just a few weeks ago, on September 27, 2011, the Fifth Circuit affirmed a district court’s dismissal of an indictment, in which the Government sought to criminalize speech. U.S. v. O’Dwyer, Slip Op, 2011 WL 4448739 (5th, 2011). There, the Government at least used an unambiguous statute, 18 U.S.C. § 875(c), which criminalizes the interstate communication of certain threats. O’Dwyer sent an email to the chambers of a federal bankruptcy judge, trying to influence him to grant certain relief, including the following language: “suppose I become ‘homicidal’? Given the recent ‘security breach’ at 500 Poydras Street, a number of scoundrels might be at risk if I DO become homicidal.” Id., at *1. The trial court and the Fifth Circuit held that even this scary language designed to influence a judge was protected by the First Amendment, such that the Government’s indictment must be dismissed. O’Dwyer was granted a judgment on the pleadings.

From Nowdy with love…

The following is a letter released today by Lloyd Blankfein, the chairman of banking giant Goldman Sachs.

Dear Investor:

Up until now, Goldman Sachs has been silent on the subject of the protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street. That does not mean, however, that it has not been very much on our minds. As thousands have gathered in Lower Manhattan, passionately expressing their deep discontent with the status quo, we have taken note of these protests. And we have asked ourselves this question:

How can we make money off them?

The answer is the newly launched Goldman Sachs Global Rage Fund, whose investment objective is to monetize the Occupy Wall Street protests as they spread around the world. At Goldman, we recognize that the capitalist system as we know it is circling the drain – but there’s plenty of money to be made on the way down

Read more…

In this episode of Magnum J.D.: Brother can you spare a dime with special guest star Bull Durham

The existence of this agreement to make a deposit of $18,201,000 was concealed from plaintiffs until well over a month after the sale of their interests.4 These facts were disclosed to Contogouris in July, 2010 by John Houghtaling in an effort to induce Contogouris to loan Houghtaling $1 million to purchase a home located at 4717 St. Charles Avenue.

Click the pic to get the pdf. ~ sop

Coastal Shoring: Raising the Blood Pressure of Jefferson to New Levels. A Lockemuptight guest post.

Maybe there is a valid reason or reasons why Aaron Broussard has not yet been indicted, his law license revoked and is not currently serving time in jail. Especially considering he is alleged to have conspired to reward himself with unethical/illegal insurance premiums and his wife with a fraudulent salary of a paralegal ($40,000 per year for 8 plus years) instead of the clerical job salary she was only qualified for and assigned to do at Jefferson’s Main library.

However, thousands of Jefferson citizens are now suffering from high blood pressure after reading in the Times-Picayune on October 14,2011 that Coastal Shoring is paying a consultant fee to Broussard regarding their slab elevation work. The ever friendly Times-Picayune withheld this upsetting news off of the front page story and broke the news to its readers on the story’s continued back page A-8, “Lift firm hires Broussard as a consultant”, so as not to cause an epidemic of heart attacks Parish wide. As it was the French scoundrel, Broussard, as President who is alleged at one time to have stated to news media he sent the pump operators north to high ground to save their lives. With the resultant flood of Metairie and Kenner homes the citizenry began working their asses off and suffering depression, hypertension and heart attacks; all the while the French scoundrel and his Administration were working on unethical insurance and FEMA contracts/scams to reward themselves and their political cronies.

The French scoundrel was not finished with his constituents however just yet when his Presidency was about to end. He had the arrogance and audacity to run for re-election and be elected by the unflooded, westbank votes in order to continue his alleged conspiratorial insurance scams, his wife’s payroll fraud and his self anointed, privileged political capitalistic status quo. Continue reading “Coastal Shoring: Raising the Blood Pressure of Jefferson to New Levels. A Lockemuptight guest post.”

Hi Gang, anything happen while I was out?

Several things in fact but I am internet limited except for my phone so I must be off to the bat cave. Coming up:

We have election day Saturday. Some pundit on Toolman in the morning said he expected low turnout.

George Peterson was kind enough to invite me to his place Saturday night. I’m chasing my teenage boy so I’ll have to pass on it but I appreciate the thought.

I understand where yat hat day was a success. No word yet on PJ day.

I’ve not seen the pdf yet but I understand USA v O’Dwyer was cited in a Dick Scruggs pleading. The ironies are rich.

We have a new episode of Magnum JD coming. Meantime I hear he joined hands with his former partners, sang kumbaya and settled the suits with them including his own Bro.

Secret Agent 99 was been busy so I have a copy of the first CDC suit inspired by River Birch to close the Old Gentilly Landfill.

Finally we have some politics and video poker on tap. We’ve been there and done this once folks. Time to do it again.

Plus there is more. Stay tuned.
