Yes I agree Benetech needs a good probe. A 24 inch speculum should work nicely for the job.

What can I say but that I agree with today’s Op-Ed from the Times Picayune.  And while we are probing Benetech will someone please get a seeing eye dog to Jackson so the poor folks at the USless Attorney’s office can find their way to the Rosemary Barbour’s place. Folks the stench goes all the way to Washington DC. Maybe there i$ a rea$on Buddy Roemer’s message i$n’t playing well compared with other$ in the GOP pool of Pre$idential hopeful$.


File this one under she’ll remain clueless until the bitter end…..

I’d issue Ms. Freret an invitation to dance with Sop in the avant garde but I do not think she can find me here on the other side of Pine Hill.  That said I may even read my assistant’s paper for once to see who shows up in pictures. But if you want to know what is going on in town you pal up with someone that goes to the Glamorama on a regular basis.

Good luck, godspeed and with best wishes from the avant garde sign me.


Tuesday Music: Since we’re doing Alison Krauss

Maybe there is something else happening behind the scenes that is causing delays in wrapping things up. Is it possible the systemic corruption related to Katrina and the rebuilding process extends to the highest levels of the federal government? Did not someone tell me Ray Ray the Chocolate guy had someone running interefrence for him in DC for a solid year? The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fit together folks.
