The Joe Stagni sexting investigation reveals the name of Stagni’s weiner isn’t Johnson….

Folks no matter who is sourcing the continuing press accounts of Kenner City Councilman Joe Stagni’s proclivities toward sexting, the details keep getting worser and worser for Team Stagni who is considered a reformer in the snake pit that is Kenner City Government. Public interest in this Stagni trainwreck is intense as witnessed by the 71 comments and counting on our first post on the topic, which featured the WDSU scoop on the subject.

The latest report on the topic by the T-P’s Mary Sparacello, which features the statements (albeit second hand) of the former city employee that was the object of Stagni’s lustful desires, is frankly daming IMHO because if Stagni and former Kenner internal auditor Annamaria Pizzolato’s relationship was not consentual, then the local version of Weinergate has all sorts of new ramifications none of which are good for Stagni, especially now that we know his pecker is evidently a woman trapped in a man’s tubing.

Now Stagni was dumb for doing any of this and I’m fairly certain he’d agree with that statement in spades but he is a big boy that can take it.  I do feel bad for his wife and family as they are being victimized by his bad behavior for a second time.  As the pressure ratchets up for Stagni to resign I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention councilmate Michelle Branigan is guilty of some of the very same boorish behavior as Zelda’s new avatar indictates.

In any event these latest revelations are certain to keep the pot boiling over Kenner way.
