14 thoughts on “BREAKING: River Birch Raided by the FBI”

  1. Outstanding intel on indictments against Wilkinson. NOw if only Lit’l Napoleon ( Broussard) and Whitmer can be next. After that, seeing now as a result of the Jefferson Parish Council’s willful and deliberate violation of a Parish Ordinance in the Council meeting yesterday, possibly our “perpetually in a coma full time” Jefferson Parish District Attorney, Paul Connick, could start investigating our law breaking Jefferson Parish Council. And, as long as I’m dreaming, perhaps Normand will arrest all 7 for their willfully and knowingly breaking a Parish ordinance yesterday and give them a free ride to Gretna & some free accomodations once they get there.

  2. In light of this development, I wonder if the Magnificant 7 will continue this charade of a study (at tax payers expense). Remember…..when one becomes so hurbis as to offend the Gods, or takes more from Fortune than they are entitled, Nemesis will come along and right the balance.

  3. I had a WET DREAM….
    JP Council openly violates the city charter as read by Margie Seeman
    Margie rips off her trench coat & donned in leather, whips, chains…She ordered the entire council to place their hands around their ankles…&
    Hence the Wet Dream….

    WHAT is John YOUNG going to do with all THOSE USELESS YARD SIGNS…???
    HA… I happened to endure one of his campaign commercials in which he claimed to “be a good Father”…???

    GOOD Fathers DON’T CLAIM THAT!!!…
    That is PART OF what makes them GENUINE!
    He is exploiting his status as a Father as a means to get elected to a public office …

    JOHN YOUNG is an affront to the PUBLIC INTELLECT…
    SISSY CRISSY…an affront to HUMANITY….
    STEVE THERIOT & CHRIS ULLO….an affront to HAIR…

    May they ALL FRY!!!

  4. KUDOS to Anne Marie Vandenweghe…the right person in the right place at the right time. Due to her professional conduct and tenacious intellect, she broke this story called River Birch in August 2009 ! Thank you…thank you very much.

  5. The Jefferson Report wwww.thejeffersonreport.com hits a homerun today on the River Birch scandal by looking at the Paul Connick connection.

  6. Raided ?…how about pounced upon with “nearly two dozen” agents ! Having matriculated a PHD on everything River Birch over this last year, this illuminating and surprising news was just what the doctor ordered.

    So let me get this straight…a River Birch representative says that they have been co-operating for months, but the FBI send enough agents to occupy every individual office in the building ? Would that statement be considered lying to the FBI ?

    I want to thank the FBI for it’s initiative to further their investigation into this criminal conspiracy by the Jefferson Parish Council to create a landfill monopoly. Fortunately the FBI does not work for the US Attorney’s office. Hopefully there will be a special task force of Justice Department lawyers to prosecute so that Letten cannot ignore or cover.

    As for Wilkinson, as we say in the French…vas te faire encule, vas te faire encule beaucoup…chatte vous intimider bouche !

  7. Full moon…two weeks of Porkeous Impeachment Hearings nationally televised on C-span…JP Council continuing to vote illegally and on illegal ordinances…the Burke Ins. Group still to be given contracts in spite of the Whitmer deceit and writing Ins. for River Birch…Theriot leaving JP bankrupt and all the time pushing to wash the River Birch scam clean…John Young, Connick’s puppet, being anointed Parish President and now championing River Birch since Connick’s brother Dutchy is a lobbyist for River Birch…AND THEN…FBI raid River Birch with some two dozen agents……WTF !

    What this Jefferson Parish Council of Clowns, blinded by their arrogance, could not have not have foreseen, due to their stupidity and narcissism, is the public humiliation that our US elected Senators and Representatives have had to bear as a result of the “airing out” of how things are done in Jefferson Parish, LOUISIANA, a la Porkeous ! Really, how could anyone outside of this circle of politico-mafioso not be embarrassed ?

    I would venture to guess that the local office of the FBI and the US Attorney for the EDLA have also taken a shellacking as it relates to the background check of Porkeous, and the fact that Porkeous was not prosecuted in the “Wrinkled Robe” fiasco and/or for perjury in his bankruptcy.

    The DC people finally said enough is enough; we need to move on this cesspool of corruption called Jefferson Parish. Fuck Letten, send two dozen FBI agents down there and lets get this ball rolling. Jefferson Parish is not on the planet Uranus, it’s part of the United States of America. And voila, the Jefferson Parish corruption scandals are back where they should be, front and center. And the appearance and testimony of John Mamoulides on Tuesday at the impeachment hearing of Porkeous may have been the catalyst in this confluence of events.

    If the sheared sheep of this Parish want anyone to help them, VOTE, and stop expecting a US Attorney to help people who choose not to help themselves !

    How John Young can expect to claim that he represents the people of Jefferson Parish in lieu of the probabilities, maybe 10% or less of the electorate will turn out to vote (most recent only 6.4% voted in a US Senatorial election) is the shame that the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish have to bear. It is in fact voter detachment and/or apathy that Connick, Norman, Chehardy and Gegenheimer know they can rely on to stay in power year after year. They individually and/or collectively have enough employees who will vote for their job security to elect whom their boss wants to be in office.

    VOTE, and then demand accountability…that’s the only revolution available to end this “Russian” style politico-mafioso totalitarian regime we live under here in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.

  8. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOowweeeeeeeeeeee Right On Bunhare, Sock, Supersleuth,Whit, nolakat, B.G., Imangry, Pat and special thanks to AMV for her bravery while under heavy fire and of course the F.B.I..!!!!!! Yesterday it was doom and gloom after the Council Wednesday voted unanimously ( has anyone out there in cyberspace heard in the last year any opposition votes please let me know)on several contracts worth MILLIONS. And after being warned by Margie of Citizens for Good Government that each Council person had received well over $1,ooo from each contractor and by Ordinance was require to submit an affidavit staing non-influence, all seven intentionally refused to obey and violated the Ordinance which carries a fine of $500 and/or 6 months in jail. So lets see, in lieu of the entire Council’s arrest may we next HAVE A F.B.I. RAID ON THE YENNI BLDG.STARTING ON THE 10th FLOOR.Thank You Lord. AmenOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoowweeeeeeeeee

  9. Many thanks to all posters above. I second the motion to have the FBI arrive unannounced on the 10th floor of the Yenni Building…if Lettenemgo won’t do his job, maybe the FBI will.

    And, also, thank you to Anne Marie Vandenweghe who has been a class act in all of this with courage unparalled in whistle blowing the cesspool of corruption that exists in Jefferson Parish Government.

    ONe last thought, maybe we can use those useless yard signs for John Young down on our barrier islands..instead of sand berms, maybe we could use John Young for Parish President signs as barriers..naawww, anything with Young involved with it has holes in it…

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