“as near a dictionary definition of ‘damning with faint praise’ as you’re likely to get” – Fortune reports lone CEO supporting Obama is Allstate’s Tom Wilson!

“We’re screwed” wrote the SLABBED reader who sent an email with the link to CEO support of Obama: The lone voice from Allstate:

Allstate CEO Tom Wilson is a rare breed: a corporate executive who hasn’t soured on the Obama administration. After a summer of increasingly loud complaints from business leaders that the White House is hostile to private enterprise, Wilson is calling for a cease-fire.

A Chicago native and early Obama supporter, Wilson went to Washington, DC, last week to present the findings of the latest in a series of quarterly polls the insurance giant is cosponsoring to track American economic attitudes. The survey — officially the Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll — painted a dark picture of the impact the recession is having on the public outlook…

Lots of food for thought in this article but, nonetheless, “faint praise” for Obama.

2 thoughts on ““as near a dictionary definition of ‘damning with faint praise’ as you’re likely to get” – Fortune reports lone CEO supporting Obama is Allstate’s Tom Wilson!”

  1. The answer to ALL’s challenges was revealed by this article. This is the crowd that made Desirree’ Rogers Vice President of Nothing. Is there an existing BOD at All?

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