The end of the mystery. Price aid is cancelled. Eddie Price instead wants to remain free on bond.

The power of the new media on display folks.  We exposed Price Aid, a party scheduled for the benefit of disgraced former Mandeville Mayor turned convicted felon Eddie Price one week ago.  It has been cancelled.  Oh yeah, Eddie also wants to stay out of the pen until September. Anyone reckon Feldman will change his mind?

I’ve embedded the related Channel 4 story on this topic below the fold.

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10 thoughts on “The end of the mystery. Price aid is cancelled. Eddie Price instead wants to remain free on bond.”

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeee First he needs to see “the special man” (Feldman)and if he says “let him have it” then he off down the yellow brick road to see “the Wizard” to get a new outlook on life, one of a servant to the Lord’s Will and not to self. Whether “the Wizard” gives him one depends on Eddie’s repentence. Rather then “monetary aid” I’ll say a prayer for Eddie’s new life. Amen.OOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeee

  2. All I can say is “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” What a bunch of bullshit that Feldman lets him stay out to “assist” his lawyer. Eddie Price is too f@#*ing stupid to even come close to “assisting” Ralph Whalen. That’s like asking my 6 year old to help with nuclear fission. Where is justice? Feldman berates him at sentencing, then goes soft. Get some judicial Viagra, you puss.

  3. Damn, you are angry. Eddie needs another month of gettin his tan on. Who wants to go to the joint looking like a pasty white dude? And why begrudge the poor guy another month of boozing and driving?

  4. By the way, are the tanning condtions better in Kansas than in Florida? Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered, as Judge Fendlason was fond of saying. Time for this hog to get slaughtered.

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