The Sun Herald updates the Scott Walker saga: Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

Scott Walker mug shot / The Sun Herald

Given the recent google searches on Scott Walker that landed here on Slabbed I was very happy to see that Sun Herald reporter Margaret Baker updated this continuing story with the latest details today. Here is a snippet: 

Municipal Court Judge Matthew Mestayer said Wednesday he and the city’s prosecuting attorney are recusing themselves from the misdemeanor drunken-driving case of former mayoral candidate and local businessman Scott Walker. 

Mestayer contacted four other local judges to hear the case, but they also had conflicts of interest. So Mestayer said he’s following state statutes and transferring the case to Jackson County Justice Court.

Once the case is transferred, he said, a Justice Court judge in Ocean Springs will be assigned to hear it. Barring any conflict of interest, he said, Jackson County’s prosecuting attorney, Mark Watts, could serve as special prosecutor. 

If memory serves Walker’s daddy is a local doctor with big ties to the local GOP political establishment. Those contacts won’t help him in Washington DC where he faces assault charges for phone whipping a staffer for Senator Roger Wicker, most likely in drunken rage. 

I got a kick out of Margaret’s story today because she too has not forgotten about the comments made by Walker’s local attorney, Adam Miller.  There is a difference between legal advocacy and bullshitting the public.  Miller is wise to clam up IMHO. 

The commentary to Margaret’s article is exceptionally good as a whole. The bottom line for Walker, a legacy political hack turned budding politician is if he doesn’t beat these charges his short foray in politics is over.  Even if he beats the charges like he allegedly did Ms Kelly his political aspirations are still on life support. The voting public, at least in Mississippi, holds such behavior in very low esteem and that mug shot will certainly haunt Walker for a long time to come. 
