Sunday night entertainment from the Editilla to the SLABBED

Our thanks to the Editilla of the Ladder for Sunday night’s entertainment.

Call a hurricane a weather event.
Call this Black Water a man-made catastrophe.
But, let not such destruction stand in the way of a great parody.


3 thoughts on “Sunday night entertainment from the Editilla to the SLABBED”

  1. “It’s like the Gulf got drunk at Disney Land
    and vomited all over Louisian.”

    On another note, have you noticed how the Tea Party has Aligned with British Petroleum to oppose the Drilling Moratorium? The attacked this weekend in Houma, captured the mayor of Grand Isle and swung a little campaign time for Vitty’cent.
    Such company-man hard ball makes me wonder if Naomi Klein isn’t actually the bastard child of an uncommon tryst between Charles Dickens and Maynard Keynes.
    Quote-mash: “It was the best of times and the worst of times as in the long run we’ll all be dead from shock.”

  2. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee All you humans driving motor cars better “nut” buy BP gas this summer if you don’t want to see BP’s pretty yellow flower gas station signs any more. I for one have been getting free rides from the JP animal shelter but that probably will stop when TheRiot hears about it. Magician TheRiot loves to find a little waste of money in little contracts but is right on track with the recently incorporated one man landfill analyst,MSW Resources, to approve a 500 million dollar landfill deal to River Birch; owned by locally politically connected, rich and famous cronies. Happy swinging–OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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