Nowdy sent me an email saying I needed to post……

And I was thinking another week toiling away here in the salt mine should just about catch me up. I don’t blog about the day job much and I won’t start today beyond saying that I see more of my friends from the surety arena this time of year more than any other. I enjoy those visits.

No links because I have not the time but last time I saw the legislature here in Mississippi was fixing to pump another $20MM of taxpayer dollars offshore to Mr Chaney’s reinsurance friends in Bermuda. Here at Slabbed we’ve made no secret of the fact we’d like that money spent here at home.

I did see James Gill tackle Tom Porteous yesterday and he did great work providing the background on why the Harahan boy made bad needs to resign from the bench before the US Senate impeaches his sorry ass.

Our researcher is out on medical. We hope he heals up quickly and pain-free.

I’ve resigned from the Allstate Board at Yahoo which in internet parlance means I’ll be back at some point in time later on. My good cyber friend Smurk, who like our good friend Sup traces roots to the Magnolia State, has shown back up in another cyber venue I frequent after “resigning” there twice.

Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine.

I enjoyed meeting Unslabbed and Whitmergate 1 week ago and wished we had more time to visit.

I see Ashton got no joy from Edith last week. Speaking of Edith I bet she makes a mean chocolate chip cookie (or at the very least has loads of experience passing them out). IMHO the full frontal Irish assault would never work on a lady with chocolate chip cookie bona fides but what do I know?

I hope to pop back up later this week.


3 thoughts on “Nowdy sent me an email saying I needed to post……”

  1. Hey Everyone! Hey Nowdy & Sop! Sop, it’s tax time and i’m taking it this is your time to be scarce…at least you have a good excuse/reason! 🙂 Not that anyone needs one but…

    Still lovin’ SLABBED !! 🙂


  2. Ditto sop.

    Perusing the JP Council agenda for this Wednesday and noticed an Executive Session to discuss the ‘potential liability’ for the Parish re a Personnel Board Appeal. Rumor has it that is re Vandenweghe’s appeal and that Phelps Dunbar has been given the honors. More on that later in the week as it develops

    Also noticed several items of interest: Sizeler getting a contract or extension and Hartman Engineering getting something else.

    The item re the Parish Attorney being full-time and setting penalties for violation comes up as Mitch Theriot’s appointment. Probably just a clerical error but at this point everything is suspect in JP.

    Which leads to my question: If they really are after you and you are not paranoid does that mean you are delusional?

    Will update as I finish reading the agenda items.

  3. Here we go again. Just like in the SIMON vs JP (KERLEC) case, the JP taxpayer is being obligated to pay enormous legal fees to outside counsel to defend the indefensible and pay damages to the injured plaintiff, now again with the Vandenweghe case.

    And why ? Because the officials of JP don’t care what harm they do to individuals while covering up their wrongdoing; it’s not their money that is being paid out, it’s the taxpayers’.

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