Slabbed Exclusive: AROD has been released and is home. UPDATED

As of last night there was nothing on PACER but we confirmed the initial reports. Ashton has been de-computered and relieved of his weapons. His daughters have stepped up to look after his needs. We’ll continue to update this story as appropriate.


I just got off the phone with Ashton.  He was lucid and well behaved. He may stop in with us later.


6 thoughts on “Slabbed Exclusive: AROD has been released and is home. UPDATED”

  1. Actually Ashton has been given the most precious gift of all. Time with his family. I know when my father had to cut back on his full time work and volunteer lifestyle it allowed us to enjoy the best times of my life. What he did with me wouldn’t be considered as his life’s greatest achievement by anyone, except me. Which is all that matters. I pray Ashton can get to a space where he makes good memories with his family.

  2. I don’t like Ashton O’Dwyer or anything he stands for, but I have to agree with Steve. I hope he finds some peace.

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