While we have a political bent going today at Slabbed….

There is no way we can leave out our absolute favorite crooked politician and best friend to the insurance industry Chris Dodd. There is no politician which we have written more extensively than ol’ Chri$ and this story from NPR frankly warmed the cockles of my heart as Connecticut Dems know they have a loser in Dodd and his corrupt ways as whispers of dumping him from next year’s ticket are whispers no more. NPR’s Ken Rudin has the scoop on his blog:

There is no question that Sen. Chris Dodd (D) has a tough re-election battle ahead of him in Connecticut.

The list of allegations and complaints are widely known. That he got a sweetheart mortgage deal from Countrywide Financial. That he pushed for bonuses for American International Group workers. That he cares more about the financial industry than those regular Joes who lost all their savings.

Also widely known is Dodd’s poor showing in polls. His job approval numbers are sinking, and he has consistently trailed his two Republican challengers, former Rep. Rob Simmons and wrestling executive Linda McMahon. (A November Quinnipiac poll had him behind Simmons 49-38 percent, with a 54 percent disapproval rating.)

Of the 16 Democratic senators expected to run next year, Dodd has long been seen as the most in jeopardy.

Have incumbents come back from near defeat to win another term? Sure. Can Dodd survive? Yes, he could. But apparently not everyone is convinced.

Politico’s Thrush & Raju write today that Dodd’s numbers “are so mind-bendingly lousy that Democrats are quietly questioning his ability to pull off a comeback during his 2010 reelection bid.” And that’s not all: Continue reading “While we have a political bent going today at Slabbed….”

Friday Football & Music: State Championship Edition

How good is St Stanislaus QB Dylan Favre? Today the Sun Herald takes a peek at the top high school quarterbacks of all time nationally and of course Dylan fits right in. Watching him play these last  few years has been a real treat. The S/H picks the Rocks to win so who am I to argue that point, especially after reading the scouting report on Lafayette County. Tomorrow’s game in Jackson should be cold as heck and quite good. Those unable to attend can watch on Mississippi Public Broadcasting. Gametime is 3 PM.

Meantime the Saints are closing in on tying an interesting NFL record for the number of different players who scored touchdowns for their team in a season. It is one of those “we’re going to the Superbowl” stats with the last 2 teams to acheive 21 being the 2007 Pats and the 2o00 Broncos. Mike Triplett at the Times Picayune has an indepth story on the topic with a link to a cool graphic showing the 19 different Saints that have scored so far. Following is a Youtube embed that shows a few of the 2009 defensive touchdowns: Continue reading “Friday Football & Music: State Championship Edition”

Always know your place. Never let anyone put you in it

Desirée Rogers… has been cruising for a bruising since telling The Wall Street Journal in April: “We have the best brand on Earth: the Obama brand. Our possibilities are endless.” She wanted to pose for The Journal in an Oscar de la Renta gown in the first lady’s garden, but the press secretary, Robert Gibbs, vetoed that.

The statuesque social secretary brandishing a Harvard M.B.A. and animal-print designer shoes is not any mere party planner. The old friend of the first couple from Chicago has the exalted and uncommon title of social secretary and special assistant to the president.

Instead of standing outside with a clipboard, eyeballing guests as Anne Hathaway did in “The Devil Wears Prada,” Desirée was a guest at the dinner, the center of her own table of guests, just like the president and first lady…

Desiree Rogers obviously didn’t know her place.  Sop slabbed her yesterday in Speaking of Allstate, Anyone else remember Desirée Rogers? and Maureen Dowd’s Op-Ed for the NYT  Who’s Sari Now? definitely put her in it – and well it should. ( h/t observant reader)

…the breached White House wall serves as a prism to examine our society, our president and our values. Continue reading “Always know your place. Never let anyone put you in it”