SLABBED Daily – October 2

A short post – appropriately enough, it’s Friday and most everyone would like a short day to start the weekend early.

Then again, some of us need to start the weekend early.  I’m thinking my eyes could use the rest as it appears I prematurely announced the settlement of Lizana v State Farm.  You just can’t imagine my shock at seeing the case listed yesterday.  Ordinarily, I wouldn’t post anything other than a mention of the motion filed yesterday.  However, if my eyes did not fail me, this may be the only opportunity I have to post a resurrection:

The parties respectfully requests that the Court extend the Plaintiff’s deadline for designation of experts until October 15, 2009, and extend Defendant’s deadline for designation of experts until November 16, 2009…In support of said Motion the parties would state that the parties are in agreement that said extension will not affect any other currently pending deadlines, and is necessary for the parties to prepare their respective cases.

Counsel for Bossier in Bossier v State Farm is probably going to need to give her eyes a rest after what appears to be a busy weekend in the making:

TEXT ONLY ORDER denying Plaintiff’s Motion for Extension of Time to file motions in limine. Plaintiff shall file his motions in limine no later than October 5, 2009. NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER SHALL ISSUE. Signed by District Judge L. T. Senter, Jr., on October 1, 2009.

Geeze, one day into the month and the tricking and treating has already started.  Spooky!