Is TeeVee News responsible for the dumbing down of America? Slabbed calls BS on Channel 4 and their bogus SNAP performance audit reporting

I watched this morning’s Toolman Interview segment on the WWL morning news with Chick Foret and Sally Ann and openly wondered if TeeVee News is the media format that is most responsible for the dumbing down of America. Yes, Channel 4 is famous for putting spectacularly hot women on the air in a tasteful, non-Faux News like manner but are the viewers actually getting any useful information outside the Traffic and Weather segments? After watching this morning’s 5 minute plus segment on the recent Louisiana Legislative Auditor Performance Audit of the SNAP Program, formerly known as Food Stamps the answer is no. To get a flavor of the inaccurate, sensational journalism being trumpeted by Eric Paulsen and Chick Foret let’s visit with Tania Dall’s report on same for WWL TeeVee.

Eyewitness News has learned more than $1 million worth of food stamps intended for people in need wound up in the hands of convicted criminals.

That is just one type of fraud and abuse that was discovered in Louisiana’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program known as SNAP.

Really Tania? Inmates got a cool million?

SNAP Audit Excerpt 1

Spurred by the inaccurate and sensational reporting that is sure to get the local GOP calling for drug testing of all SNAP participants (with the work steered to testing labs they own) I went straight to the source at the Louisiana Legislative Auditor because it is clear you can’t trust TeeVee news types to report a straight story, Continue reading “Is TeeVee News responsible for the dumbing down of America? Slabbed calls BS on Channel 4 and their bogus SNAP performance audit reporting”

In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham comes to town and appears on the Toolman.

(Reader Warning: Please put your hip boots on as the bullshit gets deep.)

So there I was watching the morning show on WWL early one morning last week with my trusty canine companion when the poor pooch had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of my coffee spew that roughly coincided with airing of a teaser for an Eric Paulsen report on Bull Durham himself that wowuld be airing on the 10:00PM news!

I immediately knew there would be a post which covered the “coverage” but life’s travails, trials and tribulations have focused my attention elsewhere so the post would have to wait until today.

Paulsen, whom we introduced to the Slabbed Nation a few weeks ago via Paulsen v State Farm and his lawyer/friends, Danny Abel and Carl Finley, got their asses kicked in Federal Court and rightfully so. What is amazing to me as moderator of Slabbed is that State Farm didn’t tip insurance industry shill David Rossmiller about the case as he had a knack for receiving tips on the low hanging fruit but such is our gain here on Slabbed for a number of reasons. Lest I digress.

I would submit Paulsen was the natural choice to pump the latest Costner scheme IMHO.  He is plugged into the old Aaron Broussard political network for example via Abel and company and he has demonstrated a fantastic ability to check whatever formal journalism training he has received whenever there is the need for a shill rather than a journalist as I think his latest story on Costner illustrates:

If there is one thing most people agree on during the BP oil disaster, it is that the oil industry and the federal government were not prepared for a disaster of this magnitude. Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham comes to town and appears on the Toolman.”