HUGE!!!!!! Paul Rioux completes the toxic River Birch campaign cash gumbo. Fred Heebe spreads the cash just before the JP River Birch Landfill vote

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Telemachus and ‘Gate, take a bow.  Paul Rioux has the must read story on the topic Slabbed broke earlier today. We got a hat tip in fact. 🙂 The list of River Birch’s lawn politicians is indeed impressive.

So the campaign cash conduit to the politicians is laid bare as expertly as the money train to Heebe’s local media shills. In other related media news we continue to get google search referrals under the search string “why was Val Bracy fired?” Damn good question IMHO.
