Grand Isle Louisiana: A Pedophile’s paradise? Maybe so long as ol’ Euris is around running interference…..

Folks the mental picture I’m forming of Grand Isle is straight from the movie Deliverance and like Mayor David Carmadelle’s child molesting step dad, Jerry “Captain Jay” Dantin we have another case with coverup, the commonality being Grand Isle Police Chief Euris Dubois as I quote:

Elizabeth M. further testified that she spoke to V.D.H. on the porch of the Grand Isle Police building on the day that V.D.H. reported the abuse. She said that V.D.H. told her, “My dad’s been doing things to me that shouldn’t have been done,” but V.D.H. seemed relaxed and was smiling.

Defendant’s friends and neighbors, Joycelyn Horton, Robert Rosiere, Stephanie Odom, Carrie Mallahan, and Harold Cheramie, testified that in the community V.D.H. had a reputation for being untruthful and that the defendant had a good reputation. Euris Dubois, a Grand Isle alderman, also testified that the defendant had a good reputation in the community. Finally, the State stipulated that the remaining defense witnesses, if called, would testify that they “have personal knowledge of both defendant and the victim, that the defendant is a pillar of the community and has a good reputation for truthfulness and the victim is a liar…

Blaming the molestation victim is a popular tactic down Grand Isle way. This is the way the court of appeals saw it: Continue reading “Grand Isle Louisiana: A Pedophile’s paradise? Maybe so long as ol’ Euris is around running interference…..”