Judge Windhorst’s problem with “abuse of discretion” on display in the Succession of Kenneth Carroll

The poor litigants in this case have Judge LaDart feeding the Beaver and evidently caught Judge Windhorst on a hangover on the recusal motion. The prevailing legal theory is Judge Windhorst will do less damage on the Louisiana 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. In any event the below tells the tale.

Anatomy of a sex crime coverup (or is that f*ckup): Slabbed examines Grand Isle Mayor David Carmadelle and his pedophile stepdad Jerry Dantin

Folks this is a case we’ve been following from a far for couple of months now and we were late to the party as the signature of Jerry Dantin’s crimes against a 6 year old boy circulated online not long after Dantin molested the innocent child last April. It appears an attempt to cover up Dantin’s crimes occured IMHO but for purposes of this post I need to convey one of the allegations against Dantin to give our readers a flavor for the man’s crime, one of a couple of acts of perversion to which he subsequently confessed.

This topic is frankly hard to write about as we’re very mindful of the privacy needs of the minor child and frankly the entire episode is disgusting. That said I managed to find a video clip which will convey some of what Dantin did to that previously innocent 6 year old and it is embedded below the fold: Continue reading “Anatomy of a sex crime coverup (or is that f*ckup): Slabbed examines Grand Isle Mayor David Carmadelle and his pedophile stepdad Jerry Dantin”