So Bobby Jindal is holding this fundraiser for Billy Nungesser on Tuesday…..

And folks I hear there is gonna be lots of fun and games over at Blaine Kern’s place  but before we get to that let’s visit with our good friends over at Plaquemines Citizen, who has the invite and letters from Piyush and Nunny on the soiree as we highlight the following comment Plaquemines left here on Slabbed:

I believe this little shin-dig has something to do with a piece of property in Belle Chasse Louisiana that is is the subject of a rather heated opposition to a large development headed to Belle Chasse that includes a Super WalMart. Nungesser is doing what he can to push the development, even though the majority of residents in Upper Plaquemines are against it. The Parish has spent loads of money fighting it, and you wouldn’t even believe the shenanigans involved. The real story is no one is saying is Jindal’s father-in-law is a principal in the company that owns the property. The Court even sealed the documents that reflects the current owners of the property, and the options to purchase the property.

A court in Plaquemines sealing public real estate ownership information? This sounds like Grenta mentality to me folks as Jindy sure has cuddled up extra close to Nunny of late.

Now back to the entertainment. Folks Kern and the other organizers have been somewhat coy on exactly what kind of entertainment will be on tap to regale Nunny and the attendees. But we can make a reasonable guess based on some of what we know in the public record about Nunny and his preferences. Let’s start with Jeremy Alford at Gambit to get a flavor for what Nunny likes:

In 1997, Nungesser was sued for damages by a man named Ryck H. Soto, who had previously worked for Nungesser’s General Marine Leasing. According to the suit, which was filed in Orleans Civil District Court, Soto alleged that he was “wrongly terminated” after Nungesser allegedly made “sexual advances.” Nungesser denied all the allegations, which included requests for oral sex and “exposing his genitals.” Continue reading “So Bobby Jindal is holding this fundraiser for Billy Nungesser on Tuesday…..”