The Jefferson Report solves an internal Slabbed mystery, provides the Aaron Broussard to Chris Roberts connection.

And the answer Alex is the West Bank Beacon, which appears to have been set up by straw men so that Roberts could come take control after the fact (and secretary of state filings which list the ownership). The problem for “Sissy” Roberts is that he could not delay filing his 2009 ethics report statement any longer and the good folks at The Jefferson Report were dogged in its pursuit. It is a good thing too because now people can sit on the terlit at 5 in the morning and read all about Chris Roberts’ finances and the stench which emanates from same.

It was our commenter Patricia that first put the West Bank Beacon on our radar screens a few months back and we soon dismissed it as a fluffer publication staffed by political hacks that dedicated itself to reporting only good news as Gambit explains:

There’s a new publication for West Bank readers who tire of “negative” news — the West Bank Beacon. Troy Aaron Broussard, son of parish president Aaron Broussard, is the publisher of the Gretna-based monthly community newspaper, which debuted in June.

Despite our subject matter covering politics is not our goal here at Slabbed but it does pay to have a good understanding of the underlying lay of the land and network of candidate support to help properly put events in a better context.  With the qualifying period for the upcoming special elections in Jefferson Parish now over I’ll disclose I got lots of emails beginning with advance heads up on the 2 qualifiers besides Roberts in Tim Baudier and Jimmy Lawson of Slabbed Dumpster Diving Infamy.  Since we have a variety of sources I ran both Baudier and Lawson up the flagpole along with the fact that soon to be indicted Aaron Broussard is working hard in the Robert’s campaign ground game which a few of our sources thought very strange given the circumstances. Continue reading “The Jefferson Report solves an internal Slabbed mystery, provides the Aaron Broussard to Chris Roberts connection.”