My severe case of spring fever has gotten worse…

I do not know what type of pollen hit the air late last week in South Mississippi but what ever it is has my sinuses in full rebellion.  That part I can take but the meds just about make it impossible to coherently write anything substantive.

That said here are a couple of links:

Saturday AROD emailed me inquiring if I knew Tom Freeland’s father passed away which I did not.  On behalf of AROD and the Slabbed Nation I express our condolences on Mr Freeland’s passing.

Mississippi’s Tort Damages Cap has been overturned by Coahoma County Circuit Judge Charles Webster. I agree with the impact of this ruling but I strongly suspect our Chamber of Commerce owned State Supreme Court will see this issue differently.  Why the taxpayers get stuck with the end result of corporate misdeeds is beyond me but this is the time in which we live.

There are reasons the justice system in NOLA is a money pit, the NOLA traffic court being a good example. It is a cesspool on so many levels folks. NOLA Inspector General Ed Quatrevaux rocks IMHO. Continue reading “My severe case of spring fever has gotten worse…”

The topic of where the Sneed family gets their political stroke from has come up from time to time in comments here on Slabbed

To understand the taxpayer-funded financial cesspools and Louisiana Government, you have to think long-term and go back several generations to understand that in respects the State of Louisiana is composed to this day of a few major plantations that self perpetuate genetically thanks to evergreen arrangements involving mineral leases and taxpayer largesse. I mention this because of the work Lee Zurik is doing examining oil deals dating to the 1930’s and how they impact the state to this day.  It is excellent stuff.

The Sneeds are not mentioned by name in part 3 of Zurik’s report but they’re progeny of former Gov. O.K. Allen, the guy who followed the legendary Huey Long. The whole series is well worth the read and view.

You guys that know the lay of the land feel free to share your wisdom in comments.
