Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Daniel G. “Danny” Abel doing promo for the Trout Point Lodge Cookbook in Canada

Turns out folks William Shakespeare was a true prophet calling the crash and burn of the Legal Department at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Parkway hundreds of years in advance as MacBeth posited an accurate description of the type of plaintiff’s work being done by the inhabitants of said Legal Department in the now disgraced/disbarred Aaron Broussard and Daniel G. “Danny” Abel. Let’s drill down a bit on the lawyer who’s cases Belo’s WWL TV Channel 4 relentlessly promotes:

Suffice it so say there are more such instances but in the interest of time I will not list them but we must update two cases, Magee et al v Abel et al which I introduced yesterday and Webb v Morella plus introduce a new one in Manton et al v Strain et al as Abel has a particular fetish for suing the NOPD and St Tammany Parish Sheriff Jack Strain. Manton v Strain is instructive so let’s begin there as it follows the Goatherder formula:

  1. File suit against absolutely everyone every tangentially connected to the wild conspiracy theory being posited that particular day. Of particular interest was the lead council in the 2009 rendition of this suit ended up intervening as a defendant later when Abel and company took over the point.
  2. Spectacularly lose the case, appeal the loss and lose that case as well since “Mantons had failed to raise an issue of material fact.”
  3. File another suit recycling the allegation from the first suit.
  4. Attempt a smear campaign using media outlets such as Belo’s Channel 4 TeeVee except in this case Abel used a conservative website called Human Events for PR dupes to publicize his baseless allegations. That’s OK though because the Human Events people are in good company.
  5. Less than one month after Abel’s promo of this suit appeared in Human Events he lost the suit.
  6. Defendants file to recover their attorney fees for having to defend against Abel’s frivolous lawsuits.

Wash, rinse, repeat for this is the way of a Goatherder. I hope it is lost on no one that once upon a time Abel was trying to put the gun manufacturers outta business in between collaborating on the literary flops which chronicled his misadventures. Only one words fits folks and that is jackassery and this brings me to latest developments in Webb v Morella (click the pic to nab the full pdf document).

Webb v Morella 5th Circuit Doc 00512011946 Capture 1

It’s textbook Goatherder abuse of process IMHO: Continue reading “Danny Abel collects court sanctions like Vito Corleone collected pocket politicians: Slabbed Investigates continued very bad times for the “Legal Department” at the Super 8 Motel on Clearview Part 3″