Sop again reports on Ex Rel Branch, stock basher style…

Ladies and Gentlemen: Judge Sarah Vance has busted Allen Kanner’s balls badly as Ex Rel Branch has been dismissed. Nowdy will have the particulars with respect to the insurers named, Allstate in particular. The  Travelers and the insurance bastards at Liberty Mutual skate unscathed. sop

Surely Allstate doesn’t think Judge Sarah Vance is the “other brother Darryl” – “good hands” trying to put words in her mouth (a Branch qui tam updaate)

In my most recent post on the three Katrina qui tam cases, I compared Allstate to  Larry, the character on the old Newhart show who spoke for his two mute brothers – “my brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl”.   This update on the Branch Consultants’ qui tam case is the first of three follow-up … Continue reading “Surely Allstate doesn’t think Judge Sarah Vance is the “other brother Darryl” – “good hands” trying to put words in her mouth (a Branch qui tam updaate)”

Strike up the band – Judge Vance’s Order calls the dance and “rocks” on Rockwell (a Branch qui tam update)

It’s been almost six months since SLABBED published Shall we dance? (March 2010), a post reporting Magistrate Shushan’s Order that granted in-part only the Branch Consultant’s Motion for leave to file a Second Amended Complaint (SAC) – so long that most have likely forgotten the big news of Shushan’s Order was what she denied and … Continue reading “Strike up the band – Judge Vance’s Order calls the dance and “rocks” on Rockwell (a Branch qui tam update)”

Oil spill news miscellany. BP's solvency is still the topic

I am very short on time today and I have right around $20 billion dollars worth of links to share so instead of making a formal post I’ll make like our good friend Editilla who also gets a blanket hat tip and simply aggregate the BP finance news for the Slabbed Nation. Hopefully Nowdy will be around a … Continue reading “Oil spill news miscellany. BP's solvency is still the topic”

After the storm: A look back at Ike and Sonja Spears and Hurricane Katrina. "I think we have a problem with leadership in the city right now…."

After yesterday’s post on Sonja and Ike Spears was published the emails with additional links came pouring in and as I followed the links I was struck by the old adage about telling the truth because it is hard to keep lies straight. In this case the lies involve a sitting judge and that judge’s residency in New … Continue reading “After the storm: A look back at Ike and Sonja Spears and Hurricane Katrina. "I think we have a problem with leadership in the city right now…."”

Evidence of bad faith is not a trade secret or highly confidential as Slabbed welcomes back the insurance bastards from Liberty Mutual.

Folks we have proof positive that alittle Slabbin’ coupled with sunshine makes a difference as yesterday, Liberty Mutual filed a motion to seal the evidence that we presented Monday regarding a policyholder in New Orleans that Liberty Mutual had arrested simply because the policyholder dared to filed a claim for the wind damage that Liberty Mutual promised to cover in their homeowners policy … Continue reading “Evidence of bad faith is not a trade secret or highly confidential as Slabbed welcomes back the insurance bastards from Liberty Mutual.”

Federal District Court Judge offers tutorial Part Deux: Judge Sarah Vance Educates Insurers about Federal Court Jurisdiction in False Claims Act Cases – A Branch Qui Tam Update

The long and short of Judge Vance’s latest order in the Branch Qui Tam case is LETS GET IT ON BECAUSE THIS BABY IS HEADED TO TRIAL. In a 69 page order and reasons Judge Vance lays out a well reasoned legal opinion with only one hiccup for the plaintiffs which we find on page … Continue reading “Federal District Court Judge offers tutorial Part Deux: Judge Sarah Vance Educates Insurers about Federal Court Jurisdiction in False Claims Act Cases – A Branch Qui Tam Update”

A Slabbed Sandwich: Homeless First by Katrina and then by Chinese Drywall. State Farm plays the bad taste in the middle.

Does anyone else remember Jim Brown’s last column? We may need to print it out and distribute it. Once again State Farm hoses an elderly lady who also has the misfortune of being a policyholder. Rebecca Mowbray has the story for the Times Picayune which is chock full of hidden ironies (h/t Editilla): After Hurricane Katrina … Continue reading “A Slabbed Sandwich: Homeless First by Katrina and then by Chinese Drywall. State Farm plays the bad taste in the middle.”

Support for Rigsby qui tam found hanging on the Branch qui tam docket

Since claims brought under the FCA are not contract-based claims or dependent upon the degree of negligence involved, the claims are unimpaired by contractual limitations on liability. We missed it or did until today when I went to the Branch docket for an update and found a Statement of Interest in Opposition to Defendant State … Continue reading “Support for Rigsby qui tam found hanging on the Branch qui tam docket”

that special relationship of trust and a deep sense of betrayal

Insurance is a very special product. You pay and you pay and you pay premium dollars, often for your entire life. In return you only get a promise. A promise that if you ultimately have a covered claim, and you’re paid up, they must pay that claim. The problem is that they must have that … Continue reading “that special relationship of trust and a deep sense of betrayal”