Carothers files rebuttal to Moultrie's response and makes it a ballgame!

If law is a sport, welcome to the Super Bowl with Freeland v Rideout shooting word-filled cannons down field like they were Manning and Farve. Rideout held Team Moultie scoreless in the first quarter and Moultie came back in the second. The score was even at the half. While the “devil is in the details,” … Continue reading “Carothers files rebuttal to Moultrie's response and makes it a ballgame!”

No "ex" just that you aren't a parte' – Moultrie responds to Carothers motion to quash

As a hungry non-lawyer, I take exception to Rule 3F – file at five Friday. It’s now past 6:30 and I’ve just finished pulling, reading and posting Moultrie’s response and the two exhibits. (see all on USA v Moultrie under Legal on the left sidebar). Needless to say, this is going to be short – … Continue reading “No "ex" just that you aren't a parte' – Moultrie responds to Carothers motion to quash”

Christmas in July? Biggers cuts Carothers sentence again!

Patsy Brumfield’s story posted to the Daily Journal on-line late today – but I’m certain not too late for Sean Carothers to welcome Judge Biggers decked out in a Santa Suit delivering a good news Order reducing Carothers’ sentence to time served. Sean Carothers will be free even earlier from federal prison to help the … Continue reading “Christmas in July? Biggers cuts Carothers sentence again!”

Carothers out of Prison. Prosecution Beefing Up the Team in Advance of Trial.

You heard about the government’s request to free star Beef Plant witness Sean Carothers here on Slabbed last week.  H/T to HD at Phunk & Wagnalls for the email and breaking news post. Here is the Patsy Brumfield story. Sean Carothers, who pleaded guilty to defrauding the Community Bank of Rankin County during construction of the Mississippi Beef … Continue reading “Carothers out of Prison. Prosecution Beefing Up the Team in Advance of Trial.”

The Payoff for Cooperation: USA Moves to have Sean Carothers Released From Prison.

Just in folks. Here is the Government’s memo and here is the addendum to it. To me the news is that Mr Carothers will indeed be a star witness against Mr Moultrie and the government fully expects him to testify: From the memo: Mr. Carothers spent hundreds of hours of his time analyzing documents and creating demonstrative … Continue reading “The Payoff for Cooperation: USA Moves to have Sean Carothers Released From Prison.”

BFF Forever: Whitmer sentencing letters give color to infamous JPAC Change Order 5

Other letters were written by Whitmer’s wife, their two daughters and the fiance of one daughter; his brother, Charles Whitmer, former deputy police chief in Gretna, and Charles Whitmer’s wife; Henry Trapani, the parish’s retired citizens services director; D.J. Mumphrey Jr., an executive assistant to Coulon; Feleciano “Junior” Mendoza, who was Jefferson Parish human resources … Continue reading “BFF Forever: Whitmer sentencing letters give color to infamous JPAC Change Order 5”

“Something is definitely rotten in Jefferson”: The (non)Performing Arts Center Boondoggle in the news…

Folks the topic of the ongoing boondoggle at the Jefferson Parish (non)Performing Arts Center is one that has been mentioned a time or two on these pages and even more offline but it is also a topic I have personally avoided delving into here on Slabbed because despite the fact the subject matter of a construction project … Continue reading ““Something is definitely rotten in Jefferson”: The (non)Performing Arts Center Boondoggle in the news…”

Saturday Catch Up: Robert Moultrie Gets His Time, The Facility Group Implodes

It has been uncommonly busy here in my little corner of the construction market thus these Saturday catch up posts ahead of a day watching U12 soccer. Next up is an update on a case we covered gavel to gavel, the Beef Plant Saga which cost the Mississippi taxpayers at least 55 million dollars. I’ll … Continue reading “Saturday Catch Up: Robert Moultrie Gets His Time, The Facility Group Implodes”

Breaking – Moultrie Pleads Guilty to Illegal Gratituity to Musgrove (Updated)

H/T to Yallpolitiics. Here is the plea and here are the facts. Alan Lange is 100% right, Musgrove is in the crosshairs. Check this out excerpt from the factual basis: Between May and July, 2003, Robert Moultrie, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Facility Group, began planning a fund raiser for the public official, then Mississippi … Continue reading “Breaking – Moultrie Pleads Guilty to Illegal Gratituity to Musgrove (Updated)”

Slabbed Gets a Mention in a Moultrie Motion to Strike (Updated)

We started the week on the front page of the New Orleans Times Picayune and a mention on Jim Brown’s radio show. We end the week with our name appearing in this Team Moultrie defense motion to strike along side our friend Alan Lange’s site Yall Politics (H/T to Yall for the Motion). Team Moultrie is concerned the Government’s … Continue reading “Slabbed Gets a Mention in a Moultrie Motion to Strike (Updated)”