Homie Dave Treutel snags a spot on the NFIP advisory board

I’ve known Dave pretty much all my life. He comes from a fine family and is a fine choice for the insurance industry advisory board to the NFIP.  Being from Bay St Louis he had a ring side seat after Katrina to the myriad of ways insurers defrauded the NFIP for example and witnessed first hand the human toll … Continue reading “Homie Dave Treutel snags a spot on the NFIP advisory board”

David Treutel Talks Mississippi Coast Insurance Issues

Mississippi Wind Pool Board Member and Vice Chairman David Treutel was recently interviewed on WLOX. I didn’t learn much except Doug Walker parrots Ron Peresich real well.  We’re all ears as to which plan Ron thinks has a chance up in DC. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiIvGmdnRXg]

Wind Pool Board Member David Treutel on Multiperil Insurance

“We are all affected by catastrophies, even if we are not in affected areas”, explained Mississippi Windstorm Association vice chair David Treutel as the costs of reinsurance impacts all who buy insurance. Dave goes on to explain the many ways events here on the Mississippi coast have changed the insurance equation in far away places … Continue reading “Wind Pool Board Member David Treutel on Multiperil Insurance”

How about some hometown news: Team Insurance wins one it should have

I’m going do to something strange for Slabbed and link the hometown bi weekly paper, the Seacoast Echo, which the locals here affectionately know as the Poo-Poo Periodical.  While you can’t trust their reporting on the City of Waveland as it is hidden agenda driven IMHO you can trust the reporting from Circuit Court in Bay St Louis where … Continue reading “How about some hometown news: Team Insurance wins one it should have”

Reminder – Coast Insurance Forum starts at 9:00 am tomorrow

What’s Wrong with the Insurance Market Along the Gulf Coast and How Do We Fix It? 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 20, 2010 The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Park Campus Fleming Education Center Auditorium Long Beach, Mississippi 39560 A coffee reception will begin at 8:45a.m. and a reception will follow the presentation. The event will … Continue reading “Reminder – Coast Insurance Forum starts at 9:00 am tomorrow”

Save the date and exercise your brain with Sop: The RAND Gulf States Policy Institute is hosting an Insurance Forum on October 20

The forum’s title, Gulf Coast Insurance Forum: What’s Wrong with the Insurance Market Along the Gulf Coast and How Do We Fix It? pretty much says it all. It is being held next Wednesday, October 20 9:00 AM sharp at the Fleming Education Center Auditorium at USM Gulf Park in Long Beach. According to the folks … Continue reading “Save the date and exercise your brain with Sop: The RAND Gulf States Policy Institute is hosting an Insurance Forum on October 20”

Fortify Your Castle Part Deux: The Mississippi Windpool finally recognizes the building code.

Three and a half years in the making, policyholders that build in communities with the latest building codes will receive a discount. Homeowners who retrofit their houses will also get a discount. Anita Lee has the story from a bit over a week ago: Changes coming July 1 to the state wind pool will reward … Continue reading “Fortify Your Castle Part Deux: The Mississippi Windpool finally recognizes the building code.”

Windpool center ring, Seals on reinsurance, AIG on high wire, Send in the clowns – Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide, Farm Bureau, Travelers

Turbulence in the Mississippi Windpool – a stumbled – upon stunner of a lawsuit now under the Big Top with a jury at the Southern District Federal Court, Hattiesburg – was the Saturday night special here on SLABBED – causing one reader to ask what most everyone had to be thinking: where has this information … Continue reading “Windpool center ring, Seals on reinsurance, AIG on high wire, Send in the clowns – Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide, Farm Bureau, Travelers”

Windpool Hosts Reinsurers on the Coast and Gums Are a Flappin': Show Slabbers the Money!

Anita Lee’s Thursday featured news story in the Sun Herald focused on the wind pool hosting reinsurance representatives here on the coast for the second year in a row. Attendance was better this year with 8 brokers/underwriters compared to last years total of 3. I’ve struggled with how to handle this story frankly. First off I … Continue reading “Windpool Hosts Reinsurers on the Coast and Gums Are a Flappin': Show Slabbers the Money!”

Windpool Hosts Reinsurers on the Coast and Gums Are a Flappin’: Show Slabbers the Money!

Anita Lee’s Thursday featured news story in the Sun Herald focused on the wind pool hosting reinsurance representatives here on the coast for the second year in a row. Attendance was better this year with 8 brokers/underwriters compared to last years total of 3. I’ve struggled with how to handle this story frankly. First off I … Continue reading “Windpool Hosts Reinsurers on the Coast and Gums Are a Flappin’: Show Slabbers the Money!”