Friday night lights open thread

Today’s itinerary includes stops in the ‘burg and home office plus game night. I did note the Byrd prosecution appears to be crumbling before it begins and that is not a good sign for Team Lawrence.

6 thoughts on “Friday night lights open thread”

  1. Here you will find an article from the Sunherald about the DMR’s request for more money in Jackson this week. The most amazing thing to me is that an article that should get the commenting Coast in gear now gets zero interest. Is this really how you run a business that by all accounts struggles on a daily basis to retain the interest of the public. On top of that the nerve of Miller asking for money after agreeing to forgive almost a million dollars from Walker’s Marine Resource Foundation and board members with no real attempt to recover the balance of the misused money. All is quiet at the McHerald as they wished.

      1. FYI: Live Coverage: Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd in court this morning

        McClenic perhaps not the best witness, again.

        11:10 a.m. — McClenic: On Sept. 9, I gave a narrative to the DA’s office about a conversation I had with the sheriff on Sept. 3. The sheriff had called me, and the conversation started out with the sheriff saying he didn’t remember the details of the John Curry case. The sheriff asked me if the Ocean Springs mayor had asked for the department to look into Curry. “I told him I … didn’t know why, but I did remember something about (Curry) fighting a hotel.”

        11:07 a.m. — McClenic: I remember hearing about Curry fighting an Ocean Springs hotel at some point in the investigation, but I don’t remember when I heard that.

        11:06 a.m. — DA Tony Lawrence: Was it Mick Sears or the sheriff who gave you information on Curry? McClenic: “I don’t recall.”

        11:05 a.m. — McKlenic said he was sent to investigate Curry for “running drugs and prostitutes.” JCSD employee Mick Sears gave McClenic information on Curry, he said.

  2. Another Sunherald article about the DMR shipping the CIAP management contract out of state. Zero comments. I guess we will have to import the McHerald articles to Slabbed to get any thoughts or outrage about what is going on. The old saying “When I want your opinion I will give it to you ” seems to be the new policy over at the Sunherald. History will show it to be a McStake

    1. This is just disgusting! Why should we be paying Louisiana instead of Mississippi people? Is it because our past Congressman is in partnership with one of the Louisiana companies over there? More details are needed on this. Why would this Agency be awarded this work? And who exactly approved this work to go to Louisiana? I think the Taxpayers have a right to know. How can we find out this information? Isn’t it public information???

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