Fazzio COBs on ’em: A River Birch Ball Squeeze Update.

Paul Rioux gives us the latest in USA v Titus, which by implication impacts USA v Fazzio and the ongoing investigation into the River Birch Landfill. As an aside to the whores at Entercom Communication, the mere mention of the River Birch Landfill in turn always manages to roll Garland(fill) Robinette into the discussion in story comments as the man has absolutely zero credibility with the general public as he is reduced to taking gigs from shady miscreants like the folks at Coastal Shoring to feed his greed.

Long story short folks is there will be a hearing on November 9 on the various DQ motions in the case.


8 thoughts on “Fazzio COBs on ’em: A River Birch Ball Squeeze Update.”

  1. "man has absolutely zero credibility with the general public as he is reduced to taking gigs from shady miscreants like the folks at Coastal Shoring to feed his greed."
    What is a poor man supposed to do? He has a 250K "loan" due in less than a week; he has to gather crumbs somewhere. 🙂

  2. Picayune needs to intervene for the "public" in the filed Sept. 23, 2011 Waste MGT. CIVIL RICO naming Frederic R. Heebe, Burch, Ward, Hwy 90, et.al. Frilot law firm has added Baker Botts from D. C. as ad hoc counsel. Filings would be available, freedom of information act.

  3. THANKS, I read the filed suit. I called N. O. Federal Clerk for the case NO. and found out yesterday that Waste MGT. Civil Rico was moved from Section C Judge Berrigan and is NOW IN Section B with Judge Ivan L. R. Lemelle. Section B clerk said nothing is set for hearing yet. VERY NICE LADY.

  4. My take is Berrigan will handle all criminal FRED HEEBE, River Burch, Titus, Fazzio, etc. matters.

    Lemelle will focus on Waste MGT. $50million civil RICO now in Section B.

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