Landrieu Political Hack/Phelps Dumbar Partner/Lobbyist Susie Morgan will have to cool her heels waiting for the senate….

Funny how Senator Charles Grassley brought up Tom Porteous in the confirmation hearing of Phelps Dumbar lobbyist/partner Susie Morgan to the LAED.  My own perspective is that Obama is 1 of 4 with Landrieu recommendations with Michael Bagneris the washout, Mitchmo hack Nanette Jolivette-Brown and Morgan being more of the same old same old with Jane Triche-Milazzo being the only keeper.

On the bright side resident miscreants like Judges Engelhardt and Feldman will have some new friends coming in to take Tommy’s place.  File this one under I wish the Senate had thrown most on ’em back like Obama did Bagneris.


9 thoughts on “Landrieu Political Hack/Phelps Dumbar Partner/Lobbyist Susie Morgan will have to cool her heels waiting for the senate….”

  1. There almost always seems to be some quid pro quo with Miss Piggy. Most of these big law firms are filled with right-wing, corporate boot-licking ideologues. The playing field in that courthouse is, and has been for decades, largely slanted in favor of business and industry. The juries are also pretty conservative, but that's just the way southeast Louisiana (excepting Orleans Parish) is. And in almost all cases, the corporate/insurance defendant can out-resource and outspend the plaintiff's lawyer. In many situations and particularly in the overwhelming majority of Katrina cases, the plaintiff winds up fighting the judge, just as much as fighting the insurance company and its lawyers. And the U.S. Fifth Circuit is even more of a nightmare for plaintiffs. Hell, this judicial nominee might very well be someone Vitter would have nominated himself. Nice going, Mary.

  2. Ms. Morgan will you be recusing yourself from all cases involving all past, present and future Phelps,Dunbar clients including the Picayune. If so, then proceed to the dungeons of Hell and join the other miscreants slithering around Camp Street ( where filthy drunk bums used to and still do hang out now in black robes).

  3. Suzie Morgan (along with Kim Boyle) was counsel of record for Waste Management in the first case concerning the New Orleans East landfill. SR.JANE REMSON,O.CARM ET AL versus THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS, ET, Case Number: 2006 – 05829 N – 08.

    The last action to prosecute the case was October 20, 2006. Therefore, the case was alive until October 20, 2009. According to the CDC remote access docket master, Phelps never filed a motion to withdraw as counsel for Waste Management. The City filed a Motion to Dismiss for Want of Prosecution on August 12, 2010. The City served its motion on Kim Boyle as attorney for Waste Management on August 19, 2010.

    In a previous post, Whitmergate stated: "I learn from these most recent records that Phelps,Dunbar was paid a $130,556.89 referencing Waste Management from a period 01/29/2009 thru 02/01/2011."

    If Whitmergate is correct, then I have these questions:

    1) How is it not a conflict of interest for Phelps Dunbar to advise the Parish on Waste Management when they, in fact, were representing Waste Management in the Remson case? Kim Boyle was served with a motion in the Remson case as late as August 19, 2010.

    2) Were Kim Boyle and Suzie Morgan the attorneys advising the Parish on the Parish's Waste Management contract?

  4. Sen Grassley is going to go blow this nominee out of the water because I suspect that Waste Management may have given the Senator all the information on her that he needs to totally discredit her? Waste Management is one powerful company and they don't like to be a victim.

  5. Pres:

    I would not be so confident of that, although it does seem a bit odd that Brown and Triche sailed through so easily, but Morgan is being held up.

  6. Wow. Sounds like Chuck Plattsmier could spend a year looking at all of the ethical violations of Phelps. Didn't they defend the TP/media types in the suit filed by Jefferson Parish, then turn around and represent Jefferson Parish in defense of Vandenweghe's similar, related claims?

  7. Is this Mark Morgan's sister ???

    Yea you know … the Soprano Mafioso Wannabe, along with mini-me Roberts et al … Sucking at the JP TAXPAYER's teat as a JP School Board member, arrogant Gretna City Attorney and Special Appointee in one of Noodle's tax cases making a $100,000 plus in legal fees …

    And don't get me started on his mother … A Connick DA who had people convicted of murder by withholding evidence … And about that the noose business …

    Just asking …

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