Let’s check in with the gang at the Yenni Building.

From: JYoung
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:22 PM
To: All Users
Subject: Where Y’at Hat Day

I’ve been told the Weather Service is predicting a 100% chance of bright sunshine for Friday. So it certainly seems appropriate that we dress accordingly for that day, no matter if you work indoors or outside.

So, if you have a unique or favorite hat, cap or bonnet, please wear it this Friday, and let us all see what you think is so special.

Please keep in mind that safety is essential to our work performance, so Directors and Supervisors will ensure that our hats are not a problem for us or others. Speaking of which, being the good public servants we work hard to be, let’s all use good ‘hat-wearing’ judgment, especially whenever we are ‘in the eye’ of our citizens.

Can’t wait to see ‘ya!


20 thoughts on “Let’s check in with the gang at the Yenni Building.”

  1. Come on … is this for real? Or is it a trap? Will there be a Hat Checker at the door to render judgment on the appropriateness of the chapeau? Puhleeze.

  2. I confirmed it's authenticity. They ought to bring in the red hat ladies from the senior center to get everyone in the mood to celebrate Where Y’at Hat Day.

    While we're on the topic of the doings at Yenni I'm hearing the level of nasty between Team Young and the Parish Council has soared to new heights. I personally can't see what John Young has to gain by covering for Mini-Me Roberts and Elton Lagasse and even better I think he has figured that out for himself.


  3. I can just see it now … mini-me and the Council's wannabe mafioso families wearing their black felt Fedoras … and there, standing alone, is el Presidente Young wearing a white 10 gallon cowboy hat …

    Really ! What a silly and superficial attempt to instill a 'positive imput' to lift employee moral … there is no amount of foolishness that can be injected in that toxic workplace to overcome the prisoner mentality shared by most employees in the Yenni Building … doing time till retirement !!!

  4. Tomorrow, I DO plan to wear my favorite hat ~My Jimmy Hat. Julie selected it for me. Hey, I can be a wild and crazy guy.

  5. Hold on, Julie!

    I really prefer Sock Puppet's suggestion for your greasy, backstabbing paramour. If the shit fits, wear it.

  6. Great suggestion, lockemuptight. J-Y Jelly will have a HARD decision on his hands.
    Word is CIRCULATING that the media will be there early to film his chapeau choice.
    Hot times at the J-Y Morgue.

  7. Dear John Young,
    Instead of Hat Day how about informing us what you are going to do to submit the proper receipts which the Parish should have for the 55 MILLION DOLLAR FEMA cleanup loan so the taxpayers don't have to pay for it. You went to Washington to argue that NOLA was forgiven their FEMA cleanup monies so tell us what the Washington Administration told you.

    Is it because the Broussard Administration did not save the receipts to prove how the money was spent with such honest contractors like Hubbard that the taxpayers are on the hook ?

    How about a tall Abe Lincoln hat for tomorrow and you can tell us and the media the truth about the 55 MILLION FEMA debt problem?

  8. lockemuptight

    I used to work for Congress and the issue with the CDL forgiveness (as opposed to FEMA) are not simply related to a lack of receipts. It's a problem with the formula they use to calculate population after the disaster.

    Jefferson parish had housing stock, Orleans didn't. People used Jefferson as a jumping off point and our population was artificially higher. Crazy thing is that the Hospitals & one of the municipalities got their loans forgiven as subsets of JP, but not the parish itself. I believe the problem needs to be remedied in Stafford Act and require intervention with the Congressional delegation and the current Administration.

  9. Hillie's Date : You sure sound like one of the professional BS lobbyists that Jefferson pays to virtually ditto the political work that the Parish's congressional reps and Senators are supposed to do.

    The debt has been classified as a 55 MILLION DOLLAR FEMA debt and not the CDL debt which is the first time I'm hearing that acronym.

    Finally, I've heard the lack of receipts mentioned by media and politicos both. So take that asshole hat off Mr. Young and truthfully tell us exactly what Vice-President Biden in Washington D.C. told you. Or is it classified because of national security, Broussard's security, Hubbard's security, Whitmer's security or….

  10. Patricia,
    Thanks for the greatest post ever.
    However, JY is steaming.
    He thinks he deserved the negative IQ award.

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