Cori and Kerri Rigsby, Meet Jamie Perdigao

H/T to Mr NAAS for the U.S. Attorney’s supplemental response to Jamie Perdigao’s request for a rule 17C subpoena. Once again we have the term stolen document enter into the lexicon of the case along with the Government’s contention that since Perdigao had what he subpoenaed from Adams and Reese on his computers (that were seized by the Government last week) he should not be able to use or subpoena any of the items.

Jim Letten and friends
Jim Letten and friends

Pursuant to a search warrant executed in the above referenced computer intrusion, the government seized the defendant’s computer as well as two computers belonging to Adams & Reese. Thus far, the FBI has found a bevy of stolen files in the defendant’s computer belonging to the victim Adams & Reese. Thus, the government’s initial review of these stolen files compared to the defendant’s request for Rule 17(c) subpoena reveals stunning similarities. The government submits that the defendant’s request for Rule 17(c) subpoenas, particularly to Adams & Reese, was just a ruse by the defendant in order to attempt to legitimize and authenticate his already illegally obtained Adams & Reese stolen files. The government’s analysis here is that Perdigao has already prepared pre-trial motions and was preparing for trial by utilizing these stolen documents for an official proceeding, U. S. v. Perdigao, Criminal Docket No. 07-103 “L”, and possibly at his civil proceeding as well in James G. Perdigao v. Adams & Reese, L.L.P., et al, Civil Action Number 08-3570 “L”.

The government advises the Honorable Court that the review of the seized items pursuant to the search warrant is still ongoing. The government has learned that some of the seized documents from the search warrant from the defendant’s seized computer reveal, among many other documents, that the defendant had in his possession were the following:

(1) Correspondence between the United States Attorney’s Office and Adams & Reese;
(2) Copies of Adams & Reese notes of meetings with the United States Attorney’s Office;
(3) A copy of a grand jury subpoena issued to Adams & Reese by the government;
(4) A copy of an agreement between the FBI and Adams & Reese pursuant to the grand jury subpoena that was issued to Adams & Reese.
(5) Lists of Adams & Reese personnel social security numbers, salary schedules, and computer user names.

20 thoughts on “Cori and Kerri Rigsby, Meet Jamie Perdigao”

  1. It may be that the fruit of the poisonous tree cuts both ways. Impatience may have cost Perdigao.

  2. That would be my experience following the insurance litigation Mr NAAS. Of course according to Perdigao, he told all this to Letten who swept it all under the rug.

    I think we now know how he came by Ronald Sholes ticket fixing faxes.


  3. Somehow, I have faith that Mr. Perdigao will ultimately prove his claims about others. But, I don’t believe he will skate.

    Is there an exception or affirmative defense of comitting a crime to prove I’m not a criminal? Duress?

  4. Hey, those documents don’t exist so how does Perdigao have them.

    That is the only way you can get documents out of the U.S. Attorneys and Adams and Reese. These aren’t honorable people — quite the contrary.

  5. This is getting crazy now. The U.S. Attorneys and Adams and Reese want to know what Perdigao has so that they are not made out to be liars when they say it doesn’t exist. Well, we already know they are liars.

    Perdigao needed to subpoena the documents because he needs the documents to be authenticated as evidence. Perdigao needed Adams and Reese to produce the documents. Anybody knows that — so why would the U.S. Attorneys say that Perdigao is being tricky. This is getting insane now. Give the man the documents. You lying fools.

  6. It is something totally new, Sally.

    He may have a psychological defense – self-destructive behavior.

  7. Oh my goodness, I hope it isn’t sexual. I don’t want to know anymore about how weird attorneys get.

  8. I don’t know the limits of your imagination, but it is a truly disturbing development.

  9. I want to tell you, but I feel obligated to give Sop and Nowdy the time to put it on the board with their analyses.

  10. Thanks Mr NAAS. I’m working ont he post right now. Don’t know how much analysis there is to go with “self destructive” but we’ll give it the ol’ college try.

    Mr Wessel deserves kudos for sticking with his client.


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