5th Circuit spits out Order on judge’s blow jobs!

Here’s the Order.  Otherwise, my lips are sealed; and, I won’t be revealing the name of the gentle reader who responded to my request to forward cases of interest.

However, Saturday’s post on my favorite “this ain’t a blog”, Kiss my Big Blue Butt, indicates there’s more than one judge messing with folks in Texas.

Okay, campers, it’s Saturday on a cold weekend, you’re still in your jammies, and you ain’t got nothing better to do than read this thing I’m fixing to share with you.

Even if you don’t read this until Monday at work, you still ain’t got nothing better to do.

This is a pdf of a document from the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, issued last month about the Republican Chief Justice of the Texas 10th Court of Appeals, which is located close enough to Waco to legally house the insane and feeble minded.

Tom Gray, the chief Justice in question, is vicious, clearly nuts, and has himself a kink in his thinker mechanism, but he’s also admitting to being a criminal, and entering other judge’s offices.

This is four pages of dandy reading, and you’re gonna thank me for bringing it to your attention.  So, here ya go, Crazy Republican Judges at Work and Play in Texas.  Enjoy!

And here’s some photos of Judge Gray at work and play and doing God only knows what in other judge’s offices.

Thanks to Wright N. Justice for the heads-up.

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