19 thoughts on “We are getting word of additonal qualifiers in the Jefferson Parish President election.”

  1. I think it’s great that Justice Roberts has resigned from his position as CJ of the SCOTUS to run for JP president.

  2. John Roberts:

    – Led the recall effort against legislators who voted for the Duplessis pay raise: I like it.

    – Ran against John Alario, and brought a brass knuckles tv ad (Alario & Co. as The Sopranos, a classic): I like it.

    For reference:

    – He won a suit focing Alario to pull a campaign ad as false: I like it.

    – Blew the whistle on the Byron Lee carwash deal, whereby the Parish paid for the driveway to be built to the carwash owned by the Baroni Boys, sons, of Nick Baroni; this was a Whitmer and Broussard special in conjunction with Byron Lee: I like it.

    – He helped lead the raising of money through Friends of the Frontline to support law enforcement personnel and firefighters in St. Tammany, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson and Orleans after Katrina: I like it.

    – He ran against Chris Roberts and then against Mark Morgan, the sub-in for Chris Roberts, for School Board: I like it.

    – Side note, he is not related to Chris Roberts: I like it.

    – Won the 1992 Alexis de Tocqueville Award (outstanding volunteerism and philanthropy) from the United Way: this may have been either him or his father, John Roberts, Jr., but either way I like it.

    – Graduate of Newman and Tulane (BA in History): I Like it.

    – In 1998 when he ran for School Board, this was his platform: “Focus on long-range planning and an end to political patronage on the School Board. Wants five-year plans in academics, finance, safety, buildings and staffing as part of a master plan. Wants to poersonally oppose and expose patronage and political favoritism in the school system.”: I Like it.

    – Side note – this may be John Roberts III, as opposed to his father, John Roberts, Jr.

    – He lives on the West Bank, he has two sons. President of C&V Enterprises, Inc., Jefferson Chamber of Commerce member, past president of Shell Dealers Association (he owns multiple (like 13) gas stations), team sponsor at Harvey and Terrytown playgrounds. He used to host a radio show on WGSO.


    I will say that supporting politicians can be perilous, sometimest hey have clay feet, are not what they seem, but I like how this guy sounds so far. I asked someone who knows him and they also vouched for him from a personal level. I found no conflicts or tie-ins with the familiar old krewes.

    So, so far, I like this candidate and he seems like somebody worth getting behind.

    Mr. Larry Haas seems to have not much a history anywhere. I wonder if he is related to the Haas family of Oak Street shoe store fame; they do have people in Jefferson. He may be a citizen who like a lot of us are just fed up and said he would be damned if Young got no opposition. Not sure yet, so let’s see if he turns up.

    A couple other side notes: Roberts has lost his prior races by the familiar 1/3-2/3 ratio described by Susan Bernecker so long ago and so familiar in West Bank Alario territory, he may find the going better elsewhere. This sounds like a guy who has been fighting the good fight, but he will need money for tv commercials. If he gets it that Sopranos commercial was a zinger, a great one.

    Also – has anyone noticed that two mroe of the Broussard/Chehardy krewe have quit? Nicky Nicolosi and Glenn Hayes, Jr. are down and out for the count. The body count is piling up, folks.

  3. Watch the peripherals Tel
    The big $ is in : Computers et al. Hospitals et al. Garbage/ Methane et al. Privitizing government.

    My take is they are leaving high profile high reporting requirement positions for more profitable less visible private sector / quasi-governmental ones.

    Watch for ‘appointments’ to Boards etc

    Great job investigating the players. Cannot wait to see the shake out.

    Obviously Young is going to be forced to spend his money and will then be vulnerable. Capella can sit on his. And oh the young Turks and Turkettes waiting in the wings!

    This next year is gonna be a thriller.

  4. The below, copied in pertient portions only, and in something more like date order, was posted by John Roberts on his website:


    This is a fun exercise in public corruption – how did this get turned into a public works project whereby the Parish was paying for Mr. Baroni’s business construction? Mr. Roberts provides his own commentary and it’s worth reading.

    The key meetings happen on 3/4/09 and 3/9/09, as stated in the 3/9/09 email: “The attached are pictures that were shared with parish representatives and Mr. Baroni today and on March 4 2009.” Below.

    For those who don’t know or may have forgotten (because I kinda sorta did after reading about it in the TP a while back), this was something else.

    Mr. Roberts made a public records request for emails relating to a Mr. Bubbles car wash being built by the sons of Nick Baroni (no explanation of his past conviction, investigations & connections to Broussard & Pals necessary there, right???) with the use of Parish funds:

    Players besides the obvious(from JP salary chart):

    PHAM PAUL Code Enforcement BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER III 53,738.96
    BREAUX RHONDA Work Force Connection TYPIST CLERK III 26,390.00 {she apparently works for Drewes, as correspondence to her is addressed to “Mark”}}
    HOTARD CLINTON Drainage Administration ENGINEER I PROFESIONAL 53,163.97
    THERIOT MITCHELL Water – Administration WATER DIRECTOR 118,154.04
    M. KAZEM HADJIALIKHANI – Drainage Director, Department Drainage Administration, Sub-department Administration $135,342
    JUMPIERE CASEY Parish Council ADM AIDE TO COUNCIL DIST # 3 91,693.97 {That would be Councilman BYRON LEE}
    Todd Heiden is of Heiden Industries {heidenind.com, on Vets in Kenner}
    Kevin Moore was at JP [see jeffparish.net addy], but is not on the current salary chart {hmmm}
    WASSERMANN J M Engineering GIS OPERATOR III 65,993.02
    SCOTT ANTOINETTE Budget Director BUDGET DIRECTOR 77,538.92

    Sidney “Guy” Johnson, V. Vonhassel, Phillips, Sandrock, Knox, Simmons, Austin, Penn and Duplaisir are not on the JP salary chart, though there is a Brian Duplaisir (relation?). Johnson is with Entergy.

    “From: Craig Sauviac
    Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 8:45 AM
    To: PPham; KSchexnayder
    Cc: ‘Brent Sandrock’
    Subject: Re:CW 183803-08, MR. Bubbles Car Wash

    Good Morning Gentleman, I am emailing you this morning with a request for information, you may know the answer or be able to direct me to the right agency or department for some relief, I felt I would start at the top and you can direct me down if necessary. Our contractor Mr. Brady Walton has just begun the construction of this car wash. We have established the bench mark and realize the elevation will be some 36 to 40

  5. I need to correct something: the name is “BREAUX RYAN Engineering ENGINEER II PROFESSIONAL 79,727.02”

    ***NOT*** “BREAUX RHONDA Work Force Connection TYPIST CLERK III 26,390.00 {she apparently works for Drewes, as correspondence to her is addressed to

  6. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The Sopranos of the westbank are no laughing matter as Chris Roberts states in the Times-Picayune article of 2009 cited by ever alert Telamachus above. The members, which Chris Roberts says in the article wear funny “black hats”, are the real deal folks.Except its not for fun and games and not getting into trouble as Chris Roberts quotes. Instead it is for profits through political control; as will hopefully be exposed in the coming months by the election and replays of the famous Sopranos commercials. I believe though that the FBI is now fully aware of the the Sopranos, know they are the real deal and have put the pieces together including some of the Sopranos’ involvement with the River Birch landfill/contract. It would really be great if the FBI would soon share all their investigative knowledge with the voting public so good government voters would know which candidates are still tied to past corruption/political bosses and who are truly new faces with refreshing ideas and non-selfserving intentions.OOOOOOOOOOwweeeeee.

  7. While researching the cast of the Sopranos & working on gathering an image of those “involved” I (literally) came across this article about Jonathan Liberto…These families will have to evolve & we’ll see women with 6 nipples? Men with 8 asses? It is a frightening visual….MO LATER

    Son announces run for constable post

    Jonathan Liberto’s mother now holds jobWednesday, July 09, 2008 West Bank bureau
    Jonathan Liberto will seek the post of constable of 1st Justice Court, after his mother announced her retirement.

    Liberto, 28, wants to replace his mother, Kim Liberto, who was elected to the job in 2000 after the death of her late husband and predecessor, Sal Liberto.

    A lifelong Terrytown resident, Jonathan Liberto has been an Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff’s deputy for nine years. He has trained at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard Academy, the New Orleans Police Department SWAT School and other law enforcement organizations.

    “I pledge, as well, to maintain the integrity, competence and solid performance that my parents worked so hard to build and maintain over the years,” he said in his announcement. “And, as technology continues to advance, I intend to assure that the Constable’s Office in the 1st Justice Court implements the most modern information systems available.”

    He is a graduate of Ecole Classique.

    The election is Oct. 4.

    HAHAH…They give us SO MUCH MATERIAL!

  8. OOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeee Oh UNSLABBED, concerning your comment the election is “gonna be a Thriller”—– My hero, Cassius Clay, if he could still talk would probably jive, “Election gonna be a dilla’ thrilla’ not in Manilla but when the FBI reveala whoa’ got their filla’ in the tilla’ da’ are gonna’ be illa’ and lottsa’ bigga’ hams hangin in da’ chilla’.”OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeee

  9. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeee I’m directing the slabbednation to put it in reverse and read Telemachus’ post above on July 10th at 10:00am about the Mr. Bubbles’ Car Wash/JP improvements at taxpayers expense; all which was explained in great detail on candidate John Roberts’ website. Here’s hoping the current FBI investigation will do their own public record requests/subpoena on the Mr. Bubbles fiasco!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeee

  10. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeee I’m just the hook with a worm waiting for the fool to hook himself, like a Simone G., so the FBI can do the rest. But not such a “girlie” fish like Simone G. whose “gonadless” bite reflects a desparate, floundering fish without nerve.We also know you have connections in the electronic cleaning business and you like to frame prople.And your inferred threat to plant “crack” in the rainforest rings of another JP politician but it will nevertheless be saved for electronic analysis. Ephesians 6:12. OOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. Great comment Patricia. It was hard to read on a blackberry but now that I’ve seen it all I understand why you linked that sickening letter to the editor. To borrow a phrase from Sock, Stephanie Grace is completely dicked up with that JP crew from the Coulons on down. All she is missing is the pom poms because she evidently never met a corrupt JP politician she failed to like.


  11. Let’s start talking about the TimesPicayune’s failure to report on the corruption in Jefferson Parish over the last 16 plus years. WHERE were they? To whom were they talking? What the —-were they doing? Damn. I am so pissed off. What a whore Stephanie Grace is. What a douche bag Nancy Drew is!! What a bunch of woosie-boys the TP editors are. Worthless.

  12. THEY JUST DELETED MY POST on an article about PIGGIE MARK MORGAN …information from a previous TP article …SO, I reposted…What to do besides repost & call them on it!?
    Maybe it was because I called LAWSON & Heitmeier WATERMELON HEADS?…ISN’T THAT OBVIOUS?

  13. Patricia: I happen to love watermelons! Lumping them in with thelikes of those 2 is an insult to watermelons. Nola and the TP can’t handle the fact that slabbed has better reseachers and writers and certainly more professional and credible writers than they have. We are threats to their very existence. They are pass

  14. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeee Unslabbed, the difference between the SlabbedNation and NOLA is more correctly that NOLA “can’t handle the TRUTH.” And the TP editors are just puppets of Ashton Phelps and poor Ashton is himself a puppet on a “blackmail string” of certain JP bosses. Patricia, I’m surprised you can still even post on NOLA. Dispite the fact that I have never commented there with any foul names against any JP politician, other than displayed Theriot as TheRiot, I recently found that I could comment on NOLA on any subject except JP scandals/corruption. So I took and cancelled my TP subscription saving my bananas and decided that I was wasting my time with a “blackmail string” situation which one day will get old and will take care of its self. I’m vine bound–OOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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