BREAKING: Judge Barbier will be handling the multi district oil claims

Deb at Dimechimes has the skinny.  Here at Slabbed we know Judge Barbier as one of the few LAED judges that followed the law in the Katrina insurance litigation.  I for one am delighted to have Judge Barbier overseeing this complex litigation.


3 thoughts on “BREAKING: Judge Barbier will be handling the multi district oil claims”

  1. Yeah, and I was “delighted” that Stanwood Duval presided over the “Victims of KATRINA” litigation, until he FUCKED 500,000 to 600,000 people living West of the Industrial Canal in January 2008, and then wrote an intellectually dishonest opinion in November 2009 (parts of which he could have used in his January 2008 decision) which benefited his “close personal friend of long-standing”, Calvin Fayard and Fayard’s 6 or so clients. Barbier is cut from the same cloth, and I would reserve judgment. Anyone who wants me to “translate” can reach me at 6034 St. Charles Ave. NOLa. or @ (504) 891-8790. “Delighted”? SPIT! Ashton O’Dwyer.

  2. Barbier is good, but not great. His Katrina penalties awards were certainly conservative in my opinion. Also, he has not followed the law relative to offset or VPL.

    Iagree he is better than most if not all of the trolls frolicking under the Camp Street bridge, but that’s not saying much.

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