10 thoughts on “Thank you, this is exactly what I’ve been waiting for :-)”

  1. You could also feature ” In God We Trust, All Others We Audit”. Of course we know that was a Phildo lie.

      1. Yes I remember but it is always worth repeating. He is doing over the cell phone commercials for Sen. Thud Cochran and the sound very corn fed.

  2. My dad used to say Ross Barnett was the dumbest sumbitch ever elected. He was so goddamned stupid he once walked into the whirling blades of a propeller on a tarmac.

    He was so stupid he once asked, “Which of you is James Merideth?” (Only black person for 20 miles standing right in front of him)

      1. My dad was a freshman at Ole Miss when Mr. Merideth showed up. He of course didn’t participate, but he did get tear gassed in his dorm by Federal troops.

        He once held open a door for Merideth & was ostracized for it. The expectation of many of the students were you were supposed to slam doors in front of him every chance you got.

  3. I’ll be thankful when we Rid Hairy Reid of his Senate Majority leader title, he takes his last breath on the Senate floor and retires to a Nevada chicken farm to BS da’ sexual prostitutes instead of DC political hoes.

    1. Lock, from reading statements by the girls, they tend to be libertarian-minded. Reid wouldn’t fit in, unless there’s some S&M joint which would remind Reid of D.C. activities.

  4. Empire Parish: I’ll also be thankful and dare our beloved President to release a few more of the harmless Taliban Dream Team without notifying Congress 30 days in advance so Congress can grow some and start impeachment proceedings as per SC Senator Graham.

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