Are We Having Fun Yet????

I have a unique perspective on the past year in MAGA Land, as someone who has fought a goatherder or two (or three) and prevailed. When it comes to the Goatherder named Donald Trump I operated on three assumptions:

  1. The Kaiser knew exactly what he was doing when he threw the Trump family out of Germany way back in 1905.
  2. That like all goatherders, Trump was at heart, a flaming wussy and coward.
  3. Hang on his former lawyer’s every word because he knew Donald the best.

With that out of the way I’ll also admit to enjoying seeing the GOP in civil war. When you court right wingnut extremists as your base voter, essentially capitalizing on the ignorance associated with such low information voters, thinking you can control the resulting mob is pretty stupid when your caucus includes so many flame throwers who are as sociopathic as the current disaster-in-chief. Now we have a disaster and aftermath to deal with.

Continue reading “Are We Having Fun Yet????”

Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Nancy Pelosi – Person of the Year

Posted on December 29, 2020

Nancy Pelosi is not wracked by doubt. She knows who she is…Italian, Catholic, Democrat…and exactly where she’s going…forward, to help her own and those less fortunate. That’s what God wants and what Democrats do. Simple.

She caught a huge break in the DNA Lottery being born into the family of Annunciata and Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. in Baltimore, Maryland. Nancy was the youngest of six and her father “Tommy” was The Man in Baltimore…Mayor, Congressman, and, actually, a confidant of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Not bad.

D’Alesandro Family Picture Via Wednesdays Wars

Nancy has always had the lights on. I love the family picture. Nancy is bright eyed and curious. Life is grand. Pay attention and do the right thing. Nancy knew exactly who she was. She didn’t have to go to a seminar with Ram Dass (who spent most of his life thinking he was Richard Alpert) to find out.

Nancy’s mother wanted her to be a nun and her father wanted her to live at home if she pursued education past K-12 in Baltimore. Nancy needed to spread her wings a bit so she went to Trinity, a Catholic College in Washington. After all, in Washington, people were doing things and had power and she might meet some. Continue Reading……….