Live Free and Die an Imbecile: Put Herman Cain in for a Darwin Award

The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it in a spectacular manner!

Surely Herman Cain satisfied the criteria to be a big winner for 2020 by disregarding common sense and attending an indoor rally for his hero Donald Trump in Tulsa despite his advanced age and plethora of risk factors weighing against him.

Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain dies after battle with coronavirus ~ Kevin Breuninger

On Facebook the snowflakes melted down on the news without considering the following inescapable fact. What kind of leader deliberately encourages his supporters to engage in reckless behavior during a pandemic? The answer is painfully obvious to all but the most ardent Trumpanzees, because it takes a special kind of contempt to kill your own supporters. Tucker Carlson of all people spilled the beans about a month ago:

“‘No matter what,’ they’ll tell you,” Carlson said of a handful of advisers around the president, “‘our voters aren’t going anywhere. The trailer parks are rock-solid. What choice do they have? They’ve got to vote for us.'”

He continued: “Jared Kusher, for one, has made that point out loud. No one has more contempt for Donald Trump’s voters than Jared Kushner does.”

I can understand the contempt for people that are so dumb despite the fact that it is not right but the nuance that Kushner missed is the human psychology that comes with people that have made the Faustian bargain that now understand in their heart of hearts they have gained nothing from selling their souls to the devil. You can almost hear Herman Cain screaming from the pain of the hellfire.

In the aftermath of this the folks at Alternet ask a great question.

Must we continue to respect stupidity?

I know this, a virus doesn’t so dumbasses like Herman Cain take care of themselves and this world bit by bit is becoming a better place. Make no mistake Donald Trump isn’t the beginning of an American political movement dominated by Right Wingnuts and evangelical christians, rather it represents its zenith in American politics. It will be interesting to see if the GOP in any semblance to its pre -Trump self will be able to rise from the ashes after the ass kicking that is coming their way in November or if they will go the way of the Whigs.