Michael Avenatti is indicted and out pops Peoples Bank

A reader did some high quality sleuthing and the result is this post, which seeks to add a healthy dose of color to the reporting on this mattter from WLOX and Anita Lee over at the Sun Herald, which then spread regionally. Let’s start connecting some dots.

First a caveat and disclaimer. Federal prosecutors love using initials in criminal filings to protect the innocent (and sometimes the not so innocent). There is nothing in the Avenatti indictment to suggest those that knew him here on the coast have done anything wrong.

With that set up Slabbed has had some success in these circumstances  deciphering initials via community sourcing. Let’s visit with Avenatti’s indictment section devoted to The Peoples Bank to get the latest batch of initials:

Avenatti Complaint by on Scribd

Footnote 41 on page 124 (PDF page 159) says an M. C. introduced Avenatti to C.S., who everyone understands is The People Bank CEO Chevis Sweatman. M. C. was fairly easy to unravel and involves an interesting case Avenatti had suing a Seattle regional CPA firm Moss Adams and a ponzi scheme gone bad. One look at the case raises a whole bunch of red flags because sanctions were levied against Trustee Mark Calvert. The Seattle Times has the skinny: Continue reading “Michael Avenatti is indicted and out pops Peoples Bank”