Taking an unscheduled detour plus a few other announcements

We’ve been fairly successful building a readership that is not only high quality but one that also ranks in the thousands. So when you take normal traffic and triple it in one day that is no big deal from a resource standpoint and that is true even when it triples again the next day. And then the next day you double site traffic and then the next day you double again. Poor ol’ sparky the file server just wasn’t made to handle thousands of calls a second so yesterday this is what happened around 12:30pm:

Slabbed came back up in a more scalable environment this afternoon around 3:05pm and by the time I made it to my computer and checked usage around 3:15 we already had over 1,000 site visits. To the extent we are still tinkering and configuring on the backend something had to give and that something is the two posts on the Ashley Madison database queries, which I have disabled for the time being.

Thanks to the brave new world of virtualization we can now literally clone Slabbed with a click of the mouse. That, coupled with a high quality proxy service like CloudFlare means should Slabbed ever again begin clocking 1,000 site visits a minute we’ll be ready. Until then bear with us while the Slabbed Tech Team finishes the tweaks that accompany this major upgrade. Special thanks to James who worked into the wee hours of this morning making this happen.

Today is runoff election day and I will be back with a few thoughts after the polls close.