A sure sign Jackson County Supervisor John McKay is feeling the heat

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. ~ Proverbs 16:32

Jackson County supervisor, protester exchange words ~ Karen Nelson

She said he started out smiling, but got angrier as he talked to her and the others. He became insulting, she said, and said they “just don’t get it,” pointing to his head.

That’s kinda how McKay reacted to his taxpayer funded DMR cruise using Bill Walker’s private yacht fleet when that broke in the media. Funny how that works. Meantime keep treating the retirees like children that owe you something Mr. McKay so we can find out if such is a winning re-election strategy.

8 thoughts on “A sure sign Jackson County Supervisor John McKay is feeling the heat”

  1. She gets it. The hospital board of trustees is appointed by the county supervisors. How hard is that to understand?

  2. I hope the voters in District 5, including east Ocean Springs and Vancleave, are smart enough to get rid of this arrogant, know-it-all, sack of crap when August comes around. If not, they deserve what they have tolerated for several years. A free birthday trip for a grandson and friends on DMR’s boat that the taxpayers picked up the tab when he would well pay for one financially but I guess he thinks he is entitled to whatever he can beg, borrow and steal.

  3. This whole Singing River thing is a huge mess. There are so many people who are so inept that it is almost like they are trying to sink the hospitals. The hospital administration does not have a clue about running a hospital or taking care of their employees, the Board of Trustees seems to just be covering their rears, and the Board of Supervisors appears to be caught with their pants down because they don’t have a clue about anything. Getting Billy Guice to do the investigation was a stroke of genius because of the confidentiality privilege.
    What has John’s appointee, Scott Taylor, done so far?

  4. John McKay is in his classic form. When he was exposed for participating in the misuse of the taxpayer’s money on the private chartered birthday party cruise for his grandson, he defended this planned event by saying ” This was not a birthday party because there was no birthday cake”. Now when questioned about shirking his responsibilities as a member of the JCBOS for not overseeing the SRHS financial condition, he acts like he is the only reason the retirees are getting the check they are due. He has two pensions, as he so bragged, and does not give a damn what the voters think. He needs to be sent home so he can sit around enjoying his secured retirement while the people he has let down fight for survival in their golden years. He is damn lucky he has not been indicted but there is still time for Senior Supervisor McKay to qualify for yet another taxpayer funded program thru the Federal Penal System. This may be the one he has worked the hardest for and deserves to receive the most. For sure, the public can see he is going thru the same melt down that he had during his last political race . Remember,he lost that one in a landslide. All should pray for a repeat of that stellar performance.

  5. Oh, don’t worry about poor ole John McKay applying for assistance or food stamps! Remember, if he is not reelected he will ALSO receive his state pension for serving as a BOS. And what about his Social Security check? So like a cat, he will fall on his feet.

    Voters need to know they have a choice with Randy Bosarge and Louie Miller contenders on the Republican ticket and Allen L. Williams and Jeffrey L. Knight vying on the Independent side.

  6. Wonder what ol John’s gonna say when the Feds come in and audit the coding and they find “irregular coding” and referral inducement? Probably just get mad and find a scapegoat and say “I’d never do that. I have 2 pensions.”
    Wonder if ol John saw that the hospital has a whopping 3 out of 5 stars according to HCAHPS? Let’s see if we can blame the previous administration for the current quality issues.

    1. Unsupervised,

      Your screen name says it all.

      I am fully convinced that John “No-Way” McKay is a deeply embedded regime member and he prefers to be unsupervised.

      Here is a message for John McKay:

      You are a public servant and YOU “just don’t get it”–(while pointing at my head)

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