Q1 2015 is in the books

Your Slabbed site traffic numbers from January 1 through March 31 are 76,282 unique visitors that stopped by a cumulative total of 273,855 times viewing a cumulative total of 1,097,441 site pages. Counting unique return traffic to the same page and web crawlers, Slabbed had over 2,300,000 total hits.

From the file downloads it is clear there are elections in the offing as dirt is being dug for later use. The number 2 download in Q1 is a curious one in respects because it is old news:


That particular download is pleasing to me so please carry on.

In other news it appears there is much attention being directed down here by the international media as it relates to the BP Consolidated Oil Spill litigation and there are indications the muck will fly. I personally can’t wait.

In any event not a bad Q1 for a little website based in the Soggy Bottom, Mississippi greater metropolitan area. Thank you for being in that number.

5 thoughts on “Q1 2015 is in the books”

  1. It would be safe to say you have a following, and I am being humble. Good work, Doug.

  2. Impressive stats Doug! I very much enjoy my regular monitoring of Slabbed. Please keep it up!

  3. I do not know how you have the time to maintain Slabbed in the first class manner that you do. My best hat is off to you. When a political crook and their co-conspirators are found in the Slabbed cross hairs they become fearful of the public indictment that follows. The only hope we, the true taxpayers, have in this state and country is to shout loudly about wrongdoing in every way possible from ever outlet available. Slabbed.org has become the choice of many. Thank you Mr. Handshoe.

    1. Thank you Tommy and Ex-COE. Never in my wildest dreams back in 2007 did I dream Slabbed would become so successful. In quarter 2 we’ll begin the implementation of a strategic plan that will hopefully make Slabbed self-sustaining go forward.

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