Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead! It’s Kenna brah

Kenner City Councilman Joe Stagni (H/T WDSU)

If I may be so bold as to suggest to Patricia she include the Joe Stagni sexting pic her rendition of his Kenner monument along with the councilwoman Michele Branigan’s hummer photo.  😉  So why do I bring the Kenner politicians monument up?  Because Drew Broach checked in yesterday with an update from Kenna brah:

For such a small expense, council members went to great lengths to explain why they were voting 7-0 for the project.

That’s because opposition, even ridicule, erupted after NOLA.com published a story Monday about plans to list politicians’ names on a 7-by-4-foot, green and gold aluminum plaque on the north wall of the City Council chamber. Calls poured in to City Hall, and critics howled on social media.

Now who dat?  😉  We dat so along those lines Patricia has released three more artist rendering of the politicians monument, which will include felons Nick Baroni and Aaron Broussard. Continue reading “Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead! It’s Kenna brah”

Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: The FBI, a soap opera and General Petraeus!

Thursday, November 15th, 2012
Washington, D.C.


It’s soap opera at its best. Far better than any soap on TV. The storyline: A romantic fling involving one of America’s most decorated and popular generals. And it has all the elements of the most titillating TV dramas. A shirtless FBI agent, secret emails, and a cat fight over the affections of the guy who runs America’s spy network, and he happens to be married to the “Good Wife.” Can it get any juicer than this? But is it truth or fiction that the nation’s security has been put at risk over these “dangerous liaisons?”

General David Petraeus is the former U.S. commander of our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and he headed up the CIA, or did, until he resigned on November 9, after being outted by the FBI. By all accounts, Petraeus has been an outstanding military leader, praised by both Republicans and Democrats in Washington. But then there are all these women. Certainly, he didn’t do the CIA or his country proud with all these antics. But was it the responsibility, or even the legitimate right of the FBI to bring Petraeus down? Because that’s exactly what they did.

The story of what happened is complicated, and is yet to fully unfold. What we do know is that the General was engaged in flirtatious communications via a non-military related private email account with a woman with whom he had an extramarital affair. There is no indication of compromises of national security. There have been no public displays or actions embarrassing to the CIA or the military. Read more…….