The best way to learn a subject is from the inside.

And thus today I was on assignment.  The discriminating reader that pinpoints my where abouts today gets to pick tomorrow’s music

On tap is the long promised post on that OIG preliminary report on the land transaction shenanigans at DMR.

Also this General Petraeus hub bub – you know, his special guest appearance on Real Housewives from the Jersey Shore.  I think we gotta tackle that one for shits and giggles.

Meantime Judge Ginger did not take long to deny the latest Team Fazzio attempt to have his indictment tossed.

Meantime Lockie gets a well deserved comment bump with the following that lifers will no doubt appreciate.

I think people are beginning to get hip to the new way of doing things

This new group from Washington DC are evidently the type of federal prosecutors that are not to be f*cked with.

Mark Titus’ business partner is a ‘subject’ of federal probe, prosecutors say ~ Manuel Torres

Somewhere in the back of my mind I recall Ed Garner being a Jackson County guy. I remember seeing the federal subpoenas related to Mr Garner’s new pool and recall seeing the names of three Mississippi businesses listed in those subpoenas. Those documents are buried deep in Slabbed’s document archives. I’ll see if I can dig them out later.

Speaking of DC, this tweet from WDSU’s Blake Hanson is well worth circling:

Stay tuned.