Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson due in Federal Court today for another arraignment

I’m thinking that October trial date is likely to be moved back again so the defense will have time to prepare on the new bribery charges that flow from USA v Mack. Meantime the investigation continues as the legal drama unfolds while a segment of the Slabbed political observer team wonders if US Attorney Jim Letten is stopping short on the prosecutions as apparently happened in USA v Hubbard.

Let’s see if Aaron and Tom speak with the assembled media today.


11 thoughts on “Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson due in Federal Court today for another arraignment”

  1. The Government needs to stop pissing in the wind … after Broussard and Wilkinson plead not guitlty to this superceding indictment they should be served by the Government with another superceding indictment joining them, Broussard and Wilkinson, together with Mouton for conspiring with A and B in the criminal conspiracy to award River Birch an illegal landfill monopoly … it’s called RICO Mr. Letten !!!

  2. October trial date is going to be pushed back. Several people whose names have & have not appeared on Slabbed who have already pleaded guilty had their sentencing dates push back recently.

  3. Quote from Broussard after the plea:

    “I feel very good,” Broussard told reporters after the arraignment hearing, standing outside the federal courthouse on Poydras Street. “I feel very blessed the cancer was able to be detected at an early stage.”

    Battling cancer, Aaron Broussard pleads not guilty to bribery charges
    Published: Friday, August 03, 2012, 1:03 PM Updated: Friday, August 03, 2012, 1:38 PM
    By Paul Purpura, The Times-Picayune

    Well hell … let the trial begin !!! … Bless you Aaron for that admission … no continuance needed … and no change of venue will be granted …

    And as for as that troglodyte deadhead Wilkinson … 435 years isn

  4. Gate ,
    Over 450 max years sentence what difference would a Rico charge make at this point if they can’t convict him on those charges? No Broussard’s fate is sealed it’s now more important to have friends on the outside to help make life easier. Wilkinson request for a separate trial maybe signaling he wants to deal like Mouton that should make the hair on Fazzio’s neck stand cause he’s the chosen one the Heebe defense fall boy. The squeeze is on there are other fish and the A team from Washington is coming their the ones who should use the RICO Act on the pay to play JP councilmember’s and politicos.

    1. Wilkinson has absolutely NO QUARTER at DoJ …and neither does Broussard for that matter … Heebe and Ward, who will remain as unindicted co-conspirators are going to bury a lot of their Jefferson Parish Politico Mafoso breathern !!!

  5. Gate ,
    I said it before and say it again the end will come with Jennifer Sneed , “Et tu, Brute?”

    1. She will NEVER give up her husband … NEVER … PERIOD … she shares the throne as of one of the MAFIA PRINCESSES of the Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso …and that’s that !!!

  6. I don’t know how many times the Government can Supercede itself without being both redundant and duplicitous … but I can assure Broussard and Wilkinson that they will continue to be the object of both …

    River Birch and kickbacks from lawyers will become superseding tsunamis …

  7. Gate ,
    Parker still loved Broussard but spoiled women find it impossible to get pedicures in the Fed Motel 6 especially when you start talking of multiple decades . Sneed was Heebe’s direct connection to the council and has to be deeply involved.

    1. Heebe had and has several ‘direct connections’ to the Council of Clowns apart from his wife … Butch Ward’s mini-me Roberts, the Ward brothers’ boy, Byron Lee, and the ‘Wopper’ whore Congemi !!!

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