One more thought about attribution and this Bajoie thing

For those of you following this whole Diana Bajoie conprofit deal I guess there is several ways to look at this. First, the bloggers should be flattered we’re actually steering the news coverage. Second, I would like to note TP editor Gordon Russell defended the honor of the NOLA media group in comments to the Bajoie story they wrote earlier this week. I’ll add I agree with everything he said. I’d also like to point out his response completely missed the point.

So yesterday the City Business ran an in depth article on the same topic and greatly advanced the discussion. Today, Jason over at AZ also advanced the discussion with a new post on the topic that is very good. Both articles illustrate the fallacy under which Newhouse News is operating.

Yes, the TP does a great job beat reporting and as such were one of the few media outlets with people in the Gill Pratt courtroom. Yes, they also reported the Bajoie connection in their Gill Pratt reporting real-time. Props and kudos are deserved for all that but……

They’re nowhere near the cutting edge of reporting this story and that fact should be lost on no one. Worth noting is the TP had two reporters in the last JP council meeting and they whiffed on that 4-3 vote over the IT contract.

Jude asks how people like him can help. IMHO all you gotta do is tell your friends that what they read in the Times Picayune today was likely reported somewhere else in one of a handful of blogs a week or so before. Gambit recently reported Ricky Mathews met with the City’s tech community. I knoweth not who the tech community is in NOLA and according to Gambit those people bitched about the TP’s commenters. You keep us unwashed bloggers on iggy dude and we’ll keep driving home the nails.


Maintenance Saturday: Need input on the new commenting system

Disqus, the new commenting platform, has a very nice back-end and very good WordPress integration. That said it appears the video embedding capabilities native to the WordPress commenting system is not supported.

Disqus is widely used so many of you are already familiar with it. It would be very easy to switch back to the old commenting system thus the need for reader input and I use the term reader because I’m also interested in what any lurker that wishes to chip in their two cents has to say about commenting in general.

I’ll be around sporadically and intend to put up some substantive material on JPAC at some point this weekend.
