Monday tease: Slabbed finally locates the MIA Jefferson Parish DA Paul Connick. Simple junior, the Buddy System in action (Updated)

Slabbed has obtained documents related to certain contracts let by State Attorney General Buddy Caldwell in various state litigation against big pharma. It strongly appears Caldwell is using Allan Kanner as a “buffer” to give state contracts to local luminaries such as DA Paul Connick and Dale Atkins in these suits. Documents at 10 below the jump.


8 thoughts on “Monday tease: Slabbed finally locates the MIA Jefferson Parish DA Paul Connick. Simple junior, the Buddy System in action (Updated)”

    1. I think I know why she was sleeping at the switch when the real estate records debacle happened. She was evidently too busy working for Buddy Caldwell as a private attorney to care what was happening in her own office.


  1. SOP ,
    In no way am I defending Ms. Atkins for the Real Estate computer debacle she should never have let happen. However she was not the only party responsible for not having a proper backup for the electronic records it’s also a state boondoggle. Nor is she responsible for the decision prior to Katrina in storing the original documents in the basement which makes not having a better electronic backup system more egregious. The 2007 Terra Institute report written prior to the electronic melt down points a finger back to full moons mayoral tenure for that monumental mistake .

  2. Wade Shows is identified as “Treasurer” on Buddy Caldwell’s campaign finance reports. That should make him pretty aware of which attorneys and law firms donated to his boss, Attorney General Caldwell.

    Does anyone else out there in the Slabbed Nation think there is something wrong with Mr. Shows acting as a campaign treasurer for the AG; receiving all these contracts and subcontracts to represent Louisiana and the AG; and, also representing a private citizen in a lawsuit, against the State and his boss the AG, to have the Louisiana campaign finance law declared unconstitutional?

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